Each week, I teach 2 classes called "Therapeutic / Gentle Yoga". I was driving up to Temecula last week to the most recently added class, and thinking "I need to define this class. Like, what do I hope to accomplish? What do students want/need to receive from the class."
I have spent the following 7 days worrying about this -- a goal for my Therapeutic classes, a definition of the class purpose/mission.
After yesterday's class, I've adjusted my thinking a bit. This class is only definable to a point -- that being, that it is a class for students who are injured, hurting for some reason, out of shape, need a rest. Simple.
How did I arrive at this conclusion so quickly, after worrying about it for 6 days? Yesterday's class composition offered me the answer. It went like this:
Regular attendee: Myofascial tightening, pain throughout body
Regular attendee: MS
Regular attendee: Old knee injuries/surgery
Regular attendee: Plantar Fasciitis & heel spur
Regular attendee: Struggling with sore knees, a bit out of shape
Not-so-regular attendee (at least to this class): Sore right hip
How do you / can you define what each of these people need, and then work towards it? And, does any of this fit into any 'general' definable mold?
Last week, I commented in class that each student comes in with an expectation, a hoped-for goal for this yoga experience. Likewise, when I work with people, I set some individual goals for each of them. For example, in last week's class, an older student arrived who is struggling to regain and retain her active lifestyle after a rough winter of illness. What would my goal be for her? Since it was her first class with me, I set a 'draft' goal of strengthening her back and back-of-the-neck muscles, so that her rounded shoulders and forward-thrusting neck become a part of her history. That may change as I get to know her.
I find I do this with each of these students -- after working with them for a while in the class setting, I have goals for them which may stretch them a bit; take them a bit beyond their comfort zone. This has been the way I've been doing it; thinking about it, just made me realize my worry about a plan/goal/definition for this class was un-needed. I show up, they show up, and - together - we move forward.
Each student needs/wants something different from the class; however, the overriding goal for each, I've discovered (and known), is that they want to leave feeling better than when they arrived, and - perhaps - with some ideas of things to work on that may help their 'stuff'.
I believe I've commented before that these classes grow slowly (like 3 students for a year, then a jump, then plateau, then - hopefully - another jump). A recent 'jump' makes me believe that students are getting something of what they need from these classes.
Today? Excited for Wisdom Warriors with Desiree at 1pm!
Hope you have a great Wednesday!
I have spent the following 7 days worrying about this -- a goal for my Therapeutic classes, a definition of the class purpose/mission.
After yesterday's class, I've adjusted my thinking a bit. This class is only definable to a point -- that being, that it is a class for students who are injured, hurting for some reason, out of shape, need a rest. Simple.
How did I arrive at this conclusion so quickly, after worrying about it for 6 days? Yesterday's class composition offered me the answer. It went like this:
Regular attendee: Myofascial tightening, pain throughout body
Regular attendee: MS
Regular attendee: Old knee injuries/surgery
Regular attendee: Plantar Fasciitis & heel spur
Regular attendee: Struggling with sore knees, a bit out of shape
Not-so-regular attendee (at least to this class): Sore right hip
How do you / can you define what each of these people need, and then work towards it? And, does any of this fit into any 'general' definable mold?
Last week, I commented in class that each student comes in with an expectation, a hoped-for goal for this yoga experience. Likewise, when I work with people, I set some individual goals for each of them. For example, in last week's class, an older student arrived who is struggling to regain and retain her active lifestyle after a rough winter of illness. What would my goal be for her? Since it was her first class with me, I set a 'draft' goal of strengthening her back and back-of-the-neck muscles, so that her rounded shoulders and forward-thrusting neck become a part of her history. That may change as I get to know her.
I find I do this with each of these students -- after working with them for a while in the class setting, I have goals for them which may stretch them a bit; take them a bit beyond their comfort zone. This has been the way I've been doing it; thinking about it, just made me realize my worry about a plan/goal/definition for this class was un-needed. I show up, they show up, and - together - we move forward.
Each student needs/wants something different from the class; however, the overriding goal for each, I've discovered (and known), is that they want to leave feeling better than when they arrived, and - perhaps - with some ideas of things to work on that may help their 'stuff'.
I believe I've commented before that these classes grow slowly (like 3 students for a year, then a jump, then plateau, then - hopefully - another jump). A recent 'jump' makes me believe that students are getting something of what they need from these classes.
Today? Excited for Wisdom Warriors with Desiree at 1pm!
Hope you have a great Wednesday!
Many people do vacation(s) and big trips in the Summer; us, we do long weekends. This past week was one of them. I flew up on Friday to Jackson, WY. We still own a small house in Driggs, ID, which was my destination (about 30 miles from Jackson). BTW, this has little to do with yoga, just FYI.
Howard met me (he'd been up there for 7 days already), we poked around Jackson, then had a nice and early dinner before driving over the pass to the west side of the Tetons and our second home. Mind you, this isn't a big house -- more of a cabin-house, meaning it has the amenities of a full-scale home but not as much space.
We use it, friends use it, and neighbors (who also fall into the 'friend' category) use it. What do we do up there? Well, flyfish - of course (catch & release). Maintenance - a house does not keep itself, even tho we have a great person who keeps track of the place. Yoga - Cate Stillman and Bridget Lyons own a studio in Driggs (YogaTejas) -- which, by the way, is for sale -- nice little town, loyal yoga community, great outdoor activities -- just a plug. Walk, hike, bike - this weekend, we walked. Relax - yes, some hours are spent just sitting and looking out at the Tetons or the fields surrounding the property. I highly recommend these activities (Well, maybe not the maintenance part, but everything comes with a 'price'.)
This weekend, I did everything but the yoga and fishing. I decided to spend as much of my time at the house as possible -- doing the maintenance stuff. It was good and valuable work, and I feel much better about taking the time for it. Some weekends, you just have to bite the bullet and do the 'not-so-much-fun' stuff. Plus, we have several sets of guests at the house over the next couple of months -- need to have it look decent.
The flight to Jackson was almost a nightmare (flight delay), but the return was a 'breeze'. If you have a chance, fly in or out of Jackson some time. A totally different experience than other airports. Everyone, and I mean everyone (including TSA agents), is courteous, friendly, helpful. After encountering many (in and out of airports) who are totally lacking in what I call the 'meet and greet' skills, this was a welcome and refreshing reminder of what travel can be like. The flights were on time returning, the shuttle to my car was there when I needed it, and the drive up I-5 slow, but steady. Home in time to feed dogs, who had spent the weekend with a great housesitter. Perfect ending.
Today? Teaching Therapeutic/Gentle and Prenatal at Living Yoga (2 & 4:30pm). Looking forward to it after a weekend away and re-charging.
Hope you have a great Tuesday!
Howard met me (he'd been up there for 7 days already), we poked around Jackson, then had a nice and early dinner before driving over the pass to the west side of the Tetons and our second home. Mind you, this isn't a big house -- more of a cabin-house, meaning it has the amenities of a full-scale home but not as much space.
We use it, friends use it, and neighbors (who also fall into the 'friend' category) use it. What do we do up there? Well, flyfish - of course (catch & release). Maintenance - a house does not keep itself, even tho we have a great person who keeps track of the place. Yoga - Cate Stillman and Bridget Lyons own a studio in Driggs (YogaTejas) -- which, by the way, is for sale -- nice little town, loyal yoga community, great outdoor activities -- just a plug. Walk, hike, bike - this weekend, we walked. Relax - yes, some hours are spent just sitting and looking out at the Tetons or the fields surrounding the property. I highly recommend these activities (Well, maybe not the maintenance part, but everything comes with a 'price'.)
This weekend, I did everything but the yoga and fishing. I decided to spend as much of my time at the house as possible -- doing the maintenance stuff. It was good and valuable work, and I feel much better about taking the time for it. Some weekends, you just have to bite the bullet and do the 'not-so-much-fun' stuff. Plus, we have several sets of guests at the house over the next couple of months -- need to have it look decent.
The flight to Jackson was almost a nightmare (flight delay), but the return was a 'breeze'. If you have a chance, fly in or out of Jackson some time. A totally different experience than other airports. Everyone, and I mean everyone (including TSA agents), is courteous, friendly, helpful. After encountering many (in and out of airports) who are totally lacking in what I call the 'meet and greet' skills, this was a welcome and refreshing reminder of what travel can be like. The flights were on time returning, the shuttle to my car was there when I needed it, and the drive up I-5 slow, but steady. Home in time to feed dogs, who had spent the weekend with a great housesitter. Perfect ending.
Today? Teaching Therapeutic/Gentle and Prenatal at Living Yoga (2 & 4:30pm). Looking forward to it after a weekend away and re-charging.
Hope you have a great Tuesday!
"The over-50 crowd gets quite wild and funny when they are free from having to serve as role models. Independence of another sort!" - Ramosh Rao
This was part of a caption from under our new pic taken at the start of practice yesterday.
- - - - -
Quite a turnout for the Wisdom Warriors' 4th of July practice -- 30 in the room, according to Ramesh (did he count the camera person?). I worried that - because of the holiday - turnout might be sparse; but no, it was the opposite and did we celebrate.
The music was rockin', everyone was a bit more 'jazzed' than usual (meaning a bit more chatty), lots of laughter (which is usually the case), and some good/great/wonderful yoga. You know, that bendy, twisty, pretzel kind - the kind some people equate with yoga. It's also the kind I find most challenging; if you know my history (golf, running, weights) - you can guess why. Little flexibility, but lots of desire.
From a vague beginning "let's just do a well-rounded practice" (per Desiree), the tempo quickly shifted to twists, hamstring openers, with some quad stretches thrown in (just to make them feel included). A personal first for me - a stable parvritta trichonasana (revolved triangle) WITH lower hand on OUTSIDE of front foot (must be all that rib knitting, tailbone scooping stuff).
The best? That pose where you take one foot out front, extend the other behind; kind of like the splits, but not the 'cheerleader' splits -- these you need to square your hips as you move the legs away from one another. I purposely wrote the beginning of this paragraph in this way to demonstrate the manner in which the pose was 'called' to us -- "take your right leg out in front of you, as you slide your left leg back". But, we fooled her; we all knew what she was talking about -- that "H" pose. You can't fool a room full of 50+-year-olds that easily, you know.
After 2 hours of this type of twisting, opening, movement, I still felt strong; in fact, all through the practice I felt strong. To me, that is a sign that this practice, this pushing myself beyond my comfort zone is working. And, it's fun work.
Following the fun, we had a party! Went to a fellow Warriors' beautiful home overlooking the beach and ocean, enjoyed great food and new friends. Great finale to this 4th of July.
Today? Therapeutic Yoga at Yoga for Life, 12:30pm; then Basics at Living Yoga, 4pm (can you say that "H" word anyone?)
Today? Therapeutic Yoga at Yoga for Life, 12:30pm; then Basics at Living Yoga, 4pm (can you say that "H" word anyone?)
Have a great July 5, everyone!
In keeping with the last post title, I made it easy on myself -- 24 people is the number in my Library class yesterday. Be still my heart!
This is, by far, the largest class I teach. As I've said before, it's free and I am sure that accounts for the attendance numbers. However, there are enough of those 24 who are 'regulars' to make me believe I'm doing something right. Personally, I don't think I'd return again and again if I didn't think it was worth my time, even if it was free.
So, I am looking out at the 'sea of faces' (7 of whom are new to me), and wondering 'what to teach'. FYI, this class is tough to plan for since composition shifts each week. But, my goal is to move them along strength-wise and pose-knowledge wise -- no matter what their experience level. I've been working triangle in classes this week, so that is where we went; with a dose of down dog refinement thrown in.
When teaching a pose like triangle, my first goal is to let students know what the 'right' stance is and - in this case - the desired distance between feet is good to know. Even if ankles as wide as wrists (with arms extended) is too wide for them, at least they know; it's a goal they can work towards, rather than staying in a modified, short stance. Then, I'd like students to realize it's hand (fingertips) to the floor outside the front calf; rather than hand on a block or shin (which is fine, but sometimes we get stuck in the modifications).
Moving up the pose, once foundation is set, I'd like to see the hip of the front leg in line with that leg, rather than jutting out to the side. As well, side body(s) long. Then, the nemesis -- the top arm.
What about the top arm? In my thinking the top arm is the icing on the cake, the final step in extending into the pose. But, for many, the arm going up happens as soon as they begin to bend over. So, in my classes, I ask students to wait, with the hand of the top arm resting on the hip. What are we waiting for -- for the heart to open, the shoulders to stack, the pose to form from feet to pelvis and up into torso. Once set, that's when the top arm goes up -- at least, in my classes, hopefully.
Yesterday, we did a bit of partner work to experience the 'see-saw' principle happening in the top arm. In many cases, we equate 'heart opening' with throwing the top arm back, putting that shoulder at risk. If students are able to experience the 'see-saw' of the top arm, by pressing into something with the hand and feeling the shoulder move back -- Wow! The class paired up, each did one side of triangle - one partner in the pose, the other providing a stable hand to which the partner doing the pose could press their top arm. Many got it, some didn't. The energy in the room was palpable. Overall, I think the results were o.k.
We moved on. Bakasana (crow pose), some floor work, and our hour was up. 60 minutes is just not long enough!
Today? Teaching Gentle at 2pm and Prenatal at 4:30, both at Living Yoga.
Hope you have a great Tuesday before the 4th!
This is, by far, the largest class I teach. As I've said before, it's free and I am sure that accounts for the attendance numbers. However, there are enough of those 24 who are 'regulars' to make me believe I'm doing something right. Personally, I don't think I'd return again and again if I didn't think it was worth my time, even if it was free.
So, I am looking out at the 'sea of faces' (7 of whom are new to me), and wondering 'what to teach'. FYI, this class is tough to plan for since composition shifts each week. But, my goal is to move them along strength-wise and pose-knowledge wise -- no matter what their experience level. I've been working triangle in classes this week, so that is where we went; with a dose of down dog refinement thrown in.
When teaching a pose like triangle, my first goal is to let students know what the 'right' stance is and - in this case - the desired distance between feet is good to know. Even if ankles as wide as wrists (with arms extended) is too wide for them, at least they know; it's a goal they can work towards, rather than staying in a modified, short stance. Then, I'd like students to realize it's hand (fingertips) to the floor outside the front calf; rather than hand on a block or shin (which is fine, but sometimes we get stuck in the modifications).
Moving up the pose, once foundation is set, I'd like to see the hip of the front leg in line with that leg, rather than jutting out to the side. As well, side body(s) long. Then, the nemesis -- the top arm.
What about the top arm? In my thinking the top arm is the icing on the cake, the final step in extending into the pose. But, for many, the arm going up happens as soon as they begin to bend over. So, in my classes, I ask students to wait, with the hand of the top arm resting on the hip. What are we waiting for -- for the heart to open, the shoulders to stack, the pose to form from feet to pelvis and up into torso. Once set, that's when the top arm goes up -- at least, in my classes, hopefully.
Yesterday, we did a bit of partner work to experience the 'see-saw' principle happening in the top arm. In many cases, we equate 'heart opening' with throwing the top arm back, putting that shoulder at risk. If students are able to experience the 'see-saw' of the top arm, by pressing into something with the hand and feeling the shoulder move back -- Wow! The class paired up, each did one side of triangle - one partner in the pose, the other providing a stable hand to which the partner doing the pose could press their top arm. Many got it, some didn't. The energy in the room was palpable. Overall, I think the results were o.k.
We moved on. Bakasana (crow pose), some floor work, and our hour was up. 60 minutes is just not long enough!
Today? Teaching Gentle at 2pm and Prenatal at 4:30, both at Living Yoga.
Hope you have a great Tuesday before the 4th!
THREE PEOPLE (A Wisdom Warriors Episode)
Before yoga, I played golf, always worked out somehow, had run one marathon, run (or walked) every morning with good friends, and worked out every day with Pete Egoscue for several months. Then, we (Howard and I) moved to Salt Lake City, where - 20 years ago - you had to search for similar activities (well, not the golf part). BTW, Pete is a well-known fitness trainer who has authored several books, and I met him through my good friend and then-running buddy, Judy.
Long story short, we move to Salt Lake City and I stagnated; I walked my dogs, I tried running but without friends - no fun, I tried working out, but a similar boot camp to the one Pete offered was nowhere to be found in Salt Lake at that time. (By the way, Pete's morning crew was at the forefront of what is now the exercise highlight -- the boot camp fitness workouts; who knew?) I even tried to do it on my own, in the lower level of our home where we had outfitted an entire gym set-up. All to no avail.
Then, Howard said "try yoga". I did, beginning at age 48. The rest is history, and now we are back in San Diego. I never imagined (at age 62) to be telling this story:
Three people - one at front of yoga mat, one at back of mat, one lying on belly on the mat. One securely holds shoulders of the prone person up and in, the person at back (or foot) end of mat lifts legs. The one in the middle? Staying strong thru legs, tailbone, shoulders, allows the lift to happen, then is asked to soften his/her chest (heart) back to the floor. OK, if you can imagine this, you will see a very significant backbend happen. Whew! That's it, that's all. But, a story doesn't have to be long to be wonderful. (p.s. - this is best done with confident, well-trained partner(s)).
Once we did this, we did a cobra on our own. After almost 2 hours of repeated backbend shapes, quadriceps lengtheners, a bit of jumping, etc., it was amazing! I rarely see the ceiling in my cobras; yesterday, I can safely say I saw the ceiling in that cobra.
That was the focus of Wisdom Warriors yesterday -- backbends. All shapes, many different forms, partner stuff, individual stuff. And, how do I feel today? So far, great. No stiffness, no aches, no pain. In fact, I wish I could do it again, today. Such an inspiring group, such great teachers.
And, as Desiree said at the end: "No one sat back and watched; everyone participated." Yup, that's Wisdom Warriors for you. We are tenacious.
Today: Teaching a new class in Temecula (Yoga for Life) - Therapeutic/Gentle at 12:30; then a break before my 4pm Basics class. Mmmmm, what will I teach that group? Backbends maybe?
Hope you have a great Thursday!
Long story short, we move to Salt Lake City and I stagnated; I walked my dogs, I tried running but without friends - no fun, I tried working out, but a similar boot camp to the one Pete offered was nowhere to be found in Salt Lake at that time. (By the way, Pete's morning crew was at the forefront of what is now the exercise highlight -- the boot camp fitness workouts; who knew?) I even tried to do it on my own, in the lower level of our home where we had outfitted an entire gym set-up. All to no avail.
Then, Howard said "try yoga". I did, beginning at age 48. The rest is history, and now we are back in San Diego. I never imagined (at age 62) to be telling this story:
Three people - one at front of yoga mat, one at back of mat, one lying on belly on the mat. One securely holds shoulders of the prone person up and in, the person at back (or foot) end of mat lifts legs. The one in the middle? Staying strong thru legs, tailbone, shoulders, allows the lift to happen, then is asked to soften his/her chest (heart) back to the floor. OK, if you can imagine this, you will see a very significant backbend happen. Whew! That's it, that's all. But, a story doesn't have to be long to be wonderful. (p.s. - this is best done with confident, well-trained partner(s)).
Once we did this, we did a cobra on our own. After almost 2 hours of repeated backbend shapes, quadriceps lengtheners, a bit of jumping, etc., it was amazing! I rarely see the ceiling in my cobras; yesterday, I can safely say I saw the ceiling in that cobra.
That was the focus of Wisdom Warriors yesterday -- backbends. All shapes, many different forms, partner stuff, individual stuff. And, how do I feel today? So far, great. No stiffness, no aches, no pain. In fact, I wish I could do it again, today. Such an inspiring group, such great teachers.
And, as Desiree said at the end: "No one sat back and watched; everyone participated." Yup, that's Wisdom Warriors for you. We are tenacious.
Today: Teaching a new class in Temecula (Yoga for Life) - Therapeutic/Gentle at 12:30; then a break before my 4pm Basics class. Mmmmm, what will I teach that group? Backbends maybe?
Hope you have a great Thursday!
When I close a class, I often offer students the 2 reasons I practice yoga -- to become more aware and to create beauty. When I speak of awareness, I'll say that it's not just about which body part affects what, or how poses affect our moods, flexibility, etc. -- it's also about becoming aware of our physical and emotional strengths/weaknesses.
That said, it is always gratifying to have a student utter a soft (or loud) "OH", in class -- when that happens, I quickly ask what happened, or what did they notice? (Hoping, here, that it won't be an answer that tells me they are having pain.)
My class yesterday (Basic) turned into a private. The one student is very body aware -- her work in the military has created great sensitivity to what is happening in her body -- love it! We are working; primarily on Warrior I, since that is a dvesha pose for her (dvesha = no like). Why? I think that, because of all the physical activity she has done, her calf muscles have tightened and shortened. This compromises her ability to take a long stance in the pose and to square the hips without the back heel lifting. So, what do we do?
First, we warmed up -- since I hadn't noticed this in her Warrior I before, and I wanted to see it in action before I offered suggestions.
A modified Warrior I (back heel lifted) looked good. A heel-down Warrior I looked short and lifted thru the legs. Tried the usual -- take front foot wider, stick the back heel -- didn't work. So, we went to the wall. Block between one knee and the wall, stepped other foot back to a long lunge. From here, she was able to lean forward into the wall and get a better feel for the stance. Problem: when she tried to stick her back heel, it wouldn't go down -- or, if it did go down, it pulled the front leg back. That, plus hips were struggling to square with the wall.
After working both legs, we went to the floor and she got a calf massage on both legs. Now, I'm not a massage therapist, and I usually don't do this on students, but - I've done it in trainings. We talked about fascia a bit. Interesting that her understanding of fascia is that it is located just in the feet (need to remember that). Talked a bit about fascia's role in the body and that it will tighten, affecting flexibility. Massage finished, back to the wall -- a much more open Warrior I. Still some tightness, but continuing the massage will help.
I also suggested that her warm-up before class begins might be just standing with balls of feet on a roll, soft knees, take uttanasana for 5-7 breaths. From uttanasana, step one foot back to parsvottanasana (front foot still on the roll). Another 5-7 breaths. Then change sides.
Now, jump back to paragraph 1 -- awareness. We finished the class by going to the floor for janu sirsasana (and some other 'stuff'). I mention janu sirsasana, because during that pose I hear this "oh". We finish that side, come up and I ask what the "oh" meant. Answer: "My left leg was on vacation. I had some discomfort in my right hip, and when I re-activated my left leg, it went away. Who knew left leg would affect right hip?" Be still my heart -- this is awareness; feeling discomfort, re-applying principles, feeling relief.
p.s. -- what did we notice together? That knitting the ribs allowed us to 'stick' the back heel more effectively. Ahhh, rib knitting - gotta love it!
Today? Teaching at 11:30 -- Gentle Yoga. Then? free time and the weekend!
Hope you have a great Friday! (and, thanks for listening to my rambling)
That said, it is always gratifying to have a student utter a soft (or loud) "OH", in class -- when that happens, I quickly ask what happened, or what did they notice? (Hoping, here, that it won't be an answer that tells me they are having pain.)
My class yesterday (Basic) turned into a private. The one student is very body aware -- her work in the military has created great sensitivity to what is happening in her body -- love it! We are working; primarily on Warrior I, since that is a dvesha pose for her (dvesha = no like). Why? I think that, because of all the physical activity she has done, her calf muscles have tightened and shortened. This compromises her ability to take a long stance in the pose and to square the hips without the back heel lifting. So, what do we do?
First, we warmed up -- since I hadn't noticed this in her Warrior I before, and I wanted to see it in action before I offered suggestions.
A modified Warrior I (back heel lifted) looked good. A heel-down Warrior I looked short and lifted thru the legs. Tried the usual -- take front foot wider, stick the back heel -- didn't work. So, we went to the wall. Block between one knee and the wall, stepped other foot back to a long lunge. From here, she was able to lean forward into the wall and get a better feel for the stance. Problem: when she tried to stick her back heel, it wouldn't go down -- or, if it did go down, it pulled the front leg back. That, plus hips were struggling to square with the wall.
After working both legs, we went to the floor and she got a calf massage on both legs. Now, I'm not a massage therapist, and I usually don't do this on students, but - I've done it in trainings. We talked about fascia a bit. Interesting that her understanding of fascia is that it is located just in the feet (need to remember that). Talked a bit about fascia's role in the body and that it will tighten, affecting flexibility. Massage finished, back to the wall -- a much more open Warrior I. Still some tightness, but continuing the massage will help.
I also suggested that her warm-up before class begins might be just standing with balls of feet on a roll, soft knees, take uttanasana for 5-7 breaths. From uttanasana, step one foot back to parsvottanasana (front foot still on the roll). Another 5-7 breaths. Then change sides.
Now, jump back to paragraph 1 -- awareness. We finished the class by going to the floor for janu sirsasana (and some other 'stuff'). I mention janu sirsasana, because during that pose I hear this "oh". We finish that side, come up and I ask what the "oh" meant. Answer: "My left leg was on vacation. I had some discomfort in my right hip, and when I re-activated my left leg, it went away. Who knew left leg would affect right hip?" Be still my heart -- this is awareness; feeling discomfort, re-applying principles, feeling relief.
p.s. -- what did we notice together? That knitting the ribs allowed us to 'stick' the back heel more effectively. Ahhh, rib knitting - gotta love it!
Today? Teaching at 11:30 -- Gentle Yoga. Then? free time and the weekend!
Hope you have a great Friday! (and, thanks for listening to my rambling)
I am usually up at this time writing about Wisdom Warriors (the yoga practice that happens each Wednesday from 1-3pm). But, this week, I missed the practice -- and, not for insignificant reasons. It was my 5-year-old Grand-Dude's 'Bonus Graduation' from pre-K (I think).
I say "I think", because to be honest, I am confused by all the different labels given to pre-school training. When Derek, my son (who is now 37), was his son's age, we had 3 things: pre-school, kindergarten, and school. If memory serves me, Jack has been - at age 5 - already been going to school for 3 years and he isn't even to Kindergarten yet! This is not a bad thing, just confusing for grandparents.
So, I went to the graduation instead of Wisdom Warriors. A wise choice, because of the memories I now carry of Jack smiling at me from the stage. Oh, I missed my friends at WW; but Jack's smile made it worth it; and, I'll be back in the saddle next Wednesday.
Because of the missed practice, I titled this post, 'week in review'. Thought that would cover a recap of the yoga activities of the week . . .
Saturday / Sunday - spent with Jessica Jennings of, in a prenatal yoga training. I came away with new ideas for poses, class structure, modifications, even a few ayurveda recommendations. Excited to teach and share.
Monday -- Fallbrook Library YogaHour; a volunteer effort on my part. 20 students in the room; many of whom had been on trips and were returning (whew!). I was invigorated from my weekend with Jessica Jennings - tho none of these students are pregnant. Used muscular energy as my focus and we worked the muscles -- from feet to arms to crown of head. Our peak pose was Warrior I.
Tuesday -- Therapeutic Yoga class at Living Yoga, Temecula; 3 students (which is a good size for this type of class). One has been attending regularly and struggling with some foot issues; the other two were new to me. Mom and daughter, daughter a dancer -- very flexible. Because of the composition of the class, we did a gentler version of my Basics class. Comment from the 'regular' - "I am enjoying learning why we do the things we do, alignment-wise." Be still my heart!
And, Prenatal on Tuesday? No one showed; got to get marketing on that one.
Wednesday - a potpourri of stuff; morning meeting with financial planner, lunch at the mall, an hour of shopping (another 'be still my heart' moment) as I waited for Howard (husband) who was in a short meeting, and then the 'graduation'. So fun to see these children, animated and having fun on stage. Jack (Grand-Dude), has expanded in his participation so much from last year -- more good stuff!
Thursday (today) - I'll begin a new Therapeutics class at Yoga For Life (also in Temecula), assuming my insurance information arrives. Darn, forgot that detail requested by the studio owner. Plan to go, no matter what, in case people arrive -- at least they'll have a warm body in the room. Then to Living Yoga for Basics.
Friday (tomorrow) - Gentle Yoga; loyal class of students, a bit larger in number than the Therapeutics/Gentle class.
It's been a busy, kind of roller-coaster kind of week. Ups and downs, and all-arounds. I hope your week is going well and that today (Thursday) is a great day!
I say "I think", because to be honest, I am confused by all the different labels given to pre-school training. When Derek, my son (who is now 37), was his son's age, we had 3 things: pre-school, kindergarten, and school. If memory serves me, Jack has been - at age 5 - already been going to school for 3 years and he isn't even to Kindergarten yet! This is not a bad thing, just confusing for grandparents.
So, I went to the graduation instead of Wisdom Warriors. A wise choice, because of the memories I now carry of Jack smiling at me from the stage. Oh, I missed my friends at WW; but Jack's smile made it worth it; and, I'll be back in the saddle next Wednesday.
Because of the missed practice, I titled this post, 'week in review'. Thought that would cover a recap of the yoga activities of the week . . .
Saturday / Sunday - spent with Jessica Jennings of, in a prenatal yoga training. I came away with new ideas for poses, class structure, modifications, even a few ayurveda recommendations. Excited to teach and share.
Monday -- Fallbrook Library YogaHour; a volunteer effort on my part. 20 students in the room; many of whom had been on trips and were returning (whew!). I was invigorated from my weekend with Jessica Jennings - tho none of these students are pregnant. Used muscular energy as my focus and we worked the muscles -- from feet to arms to crown of head. Our peak pose was Warrior I.
Tuesday -- Therapeutic Yoga class at Living Yoga, Temecula; 3 students (which is a good size for this type of class). One has been attending regularly and struggling with some foot issues; the other two were new to me. Mom and daughter, daughter a dancer -- very flexible. Because of the composition of the class, we did a gentler version of my Basics class. Comment from the 'regular' - "I am enjoying learning why we do the things we do, alignment-wise." Be still my heart!
And, Prenatal on Tuesday? No one showed; got to get marketing on that one.
Wednesday - a potpourri of stuff; morning meeting with financial planner, lunch at the mall, an hour of shopping (another 'be still my heart' moment) as I waited for Howard (husband) who was in a short meeting, and then the 'graduation'. So fun to see these children, animated and having fun on stage. Jack (Grand-Dude), has expanded in his participation so much from last year -- more good stuff!
Thursday (today) - I'll begin a new Therapeutics class at Yoga For Life (also in Temecula), assuming my insurance information arrives. Darn, forgot that detail requested by the studio owner. Plan to go, no matter what, in case people arrive -- at least they'll have a warm body in the room. Then to Living Yoga for Basics.
Friday (tomorrow) - Gentle Yoga; loyal class of students, a bit larger in number than the Therapeutics/Gentle class.
It's been a busy, kind of roller-coaster kind of week. Ups and downs, and all-arounds. I hope your week is going well and that today (Thursday) is a great day!
Earlier this year, the studio where I teach the bulk of my classes asked if I would take on one prenatal class. I'd never formally taught such a class (had subbed, tho), and decided to give it a try -- and, I was flattered to be asked.
Now, 4 months into this experience, I finally am taking a workshop training with Jessica Jennings, founder of MaYoga. Oh, I've bought videos, books, read what I can, but - boy - is it weak out there. I decided that if this is to continue, I better find someone well-respected and really get some study under my belt. I learned the do's and don't's of teaching prenatal yoga in my trainings, but soon discovered that's not really enough. Since beginning the class, I'm getting more comfortable, but still feel I need more 'connection' to these students (or, I need to decide that prenatal yoga teaching is not my cup of tea).
When students arrive at the studio for the first time, they are often surprised to see me (as their instructor). Not that I look that old, but I do not fit the stereotypical image of a yoga instructor -- I'm a grandmother, after all. I have been standing at the desk and, when told I am the instructor, some have been heard to say 'oh, you're the teacher?'. How would that make you feel?
So, I need to get them past that desk, into the room and give them the best prenatal class they've ever had (or, I need to give it up). Simple as that.
The training began with Jessica last night, and will continue through today and part of Sunday. We went through introductions (there are about 14 of us). Then took a short break, and moved a bit -- in the prenatal way.
What have I noticed?
Now, 4 months into this experience, I finally am taking a workshop training with Jessica Jennings, founder of MaYoga. Oh, I've bought videos, books, read what I can, but - boy - is it weak out there. I decided that if this is to continue, I better find someone well-respected and really get some study under my belt. I learned the do's and don't's of teaching prenatal yoga in my trainings, but soon discovered that's not really enough. Since beginning the class, I'm getting more comfortable, but still feel I need more 'connection' to these students (or, I need to decide that prenatal yoga teaching is not my cup of tea).
When students arrive at the studio for the first time, they are often surprised to see me (as their instructor). Not that I look that old, but I do not fit the stereotypical image of a yoga instructor -- I'm a grandmother, after all. I have been standing at the desk and, when told I am the instructor, some have been heard to say 'oh, you're the teacher?'. How would that make you feel?
So, I need to get them past that desk, into the room and give them the best prenatal class they've ever had (or, I need to give it up). Simple as that.
The training began with Jessica last night, and will continue through today and part of Sunday. We went through introductions (there are about 14 of us). Then took a short break, and moved a bit -- in the prenatal way.
What have I noticed?
- Verbiage is more 'baby-centered' than I've been offering
- She works students pretty hard; harder than I've been doing
- Some interesting transitions from downdog to a modified cobra back to down dog and then to uttanasana.
There's more, but these were my initial impressions. More will come out today and tomorrow.
So, got to sign off and go do some work. Hope you have a great Saturday!
Wisdom Warriors was yesterday (Wednesday). For those of you new to my blog, Wisdom Warriors is a practice group organized by Desiree Rumbaugh and Geri Portnoy. The age of attendees is 50+, women and men (tho, like most yoga classes, the women far outnumber the men -- too bad). We gather each Wednesday from 1-3pm and do fun 'stuff', fun yoga 'stuff'. And, this week, the first thing we did was get out one chair each.
Desiree began the practice with a brief chat -- this is a practice group, but our goal is to become a social group, as well. Not like a sorority or fraternity, but a group of friends; friends who do yoga together and hang out together. Our first social event was last weekend. I was unable to attend, and eager to hear details. Sounds like everyone - even husbands who don't 'do' yoga - had a great time. The tone of the group this Wednesday was different, as a result -- more like a group of friends gathering again, this time to do yoga. Mission being accomplished! The next planned event is July 4; an e-vite will be sent to the WW mailing list.
After a brief re-cap of the first event, Des talked about the chairs and how much we can accomplish with them. I have, truly, had students avoid my class if I bring out the chairs. This sounded like my dream class -- to learn new ways to use the chairs to make students feel 'worked' (since I'm thinking that's why people left -- they worried they weren't going to get 'worked' enough).
So, a brief chant, back to the mats, but no chairs just yet, got to warm up. Some salutations, mixing it up, keeping ribs knitted. That was fun; chairs? Not yet. Now let's go to the wall - do some handstands (keeping ribs knitted), pincha mayurasana (also ribs knitted), headstand, no-head headstand. That, too, was fun; now chairs? Not yet. A few arm balances, and some twisting. Now chairs? Yes! But, first a demo of a beautiful tripod headstand by Andrew's sister, Susan, who is visiting (Andrew is Des' husband). So, let's all do that. Tripod is my least favorite, but I gave it a shot, getting into the shape, pressing my head strongly into the floor. Then, continuing the work with the neck, we partnered to do parvritta trichonasana -- also fun. Now, we can go get our chairs. (I must have missed something in describing all we did, but right now, this is good; and I'm ready to write about the chairs.)
Not chairs like I use in Gentle Yoga, however. We did one twist on the chair (I do do that in the Gentle Class), then we crawled onto the chair in order to lay over it in a supported backbend (if you can't picture it, well just believe me -- it felt good, but it probably won't be on my Gentle Yoga 'playlist'). A few took the backbend further, as they slid forward, resting head and forearms on floor, and moving feet towards the hands (imagine a circle here). Then, we crawled out of the chair, turned around, and with our backs against the front of the chair, we let the chair work it's magic on our backs (right around t11-12).
We finished the practice with a supported shoulderstand -- shoulders on 2-3 stacked blankets and sacrum on the chair seat. We spent about 10 minutes here, working the legs, moving to halasana (plow), back to shoulderstand, etc. Then we were instructed to slide off the chair, let our hips rest on the blankets, our calves on the chair --- ahhh, it was savasana time.
As I wrote this, I'm aware of a tendency to get a bit 'flip'. In all seriousness, I feel stronger and more in control after these past 7-8 weeks, than I have in months. I cannot express my gratitude enough to Geri and Des for coming up with this great idea, and putting it into action. It has saved and re-ignited my practice. Enough of the sappy stuff.
Today? Taking a day off. Wish I could take some of this 'chair stuff' to my basics class, but -- next week.
Hope you have a great Thursday!
Desiree began the practice with a brief chat -- this is a practice group, but our goal is to become a social group, as well. Not like a sorority or fraternity, but a group of friends; friends who do yoga together and hang out together. Our first social event was last weekend. I was unable to attend, and eager to hear details. Sounds like everyone - even husbands who don't 'do' yoga - had a great time. The tone of the group this Wednesday was different, as a result -- more like a group of friends gathering again, this time to do yoga. Mission being accomplished! The next planned event is July 4; an e-vite will be sent to the WW mailing list.
After a brief re-cap of the first event, Des talked about the chairs and how much we can accomplish with them. I have, truly, had students avoid my class if I bring out the chairs. This sounded like my dream class -- to learn new ways to use the chairs to make students feel 'worked' (since I'm thinking that's why people left -- they worried they weren't going to get 'worked' enough).
So, a brief chant, back to the mats, but no chairs just yet, got to warm up. Some salutations, mixing it up, keeping ribs knitted. That was fun; chairs? Not yet. Now let's go to the wall - do some handstands (keeping ribs knitted), pincha mayurasana (also ribs knitted), headstand, no-head headstand. That, too, was fun; now chairs? Not yet. A few arm balances, and some twisting. Now chairs? Yes! But, first a demo of a beautiful tripod headstand by Andrew's sister, Susan, who is visiting (Andrew is Des' husband). So, let's all do that. Tripod is my least favorite, but I gave it a shot, getting into the shape, pressing my head strongly into the floor. Then, continuing the work with the neck, we partnered to do parvritta trichonasana -- also fun. Now, we can go get our chairs. (I must have missed something in describing all we did, but right now, this is good; and I'm ready to write about the chairs.)
Not chairs like I use in Gentle Yoga, however. We did one twist on the chair (I do do that in the Gentle Class), then we crawled onto the chair in order to lay over it in a supported backbend (if you can't picture it, well just believe me -- it felt good, but it probably won't be on my Gentle Yoga 'playlist'). A few took the backbend further, as they slid forward, resting head and forearms on floor, and moving feet towards the hands (imagine a circle here). Then, we crawled out of the chair, turned around, and with our backs against the front of the chair, we let the chair work it's magic on our backs (right around t11-12).
We finished the practice with a supported shoulderstand -- shoulders on 2-3 stacked blankets and sacrum on the chair seat. We spent about 10 minutes here, working the legs, moving to halasana (plow), back to shoulderstand, etc. Then we were instructed to slide off the chair, let our hips rest on the blankets, our calves on the chair --- ahhh, it was savasana time.
As I wrote this, I'm aware of a tendency to get a bit 'flip'. In all seriousness, I feel stronger and more in control after these past 7-8 weeks, than I have in months. I cannot express my gratitude enough to Geri and Des for coming up with this great idea, and putting it into action. It has saved and re-ignited my practice. Enough of the sappy stuff.
Today? Taking a day off. Wish I could take some of this 'chair stuff' to my basics class, but -- next week.
Hope you have a great Thursday!
The prospect of a teacher-led school of Anusara Yoga looks bleak/hopeless/at an end. Another letter from the LC (Leadership Committee) tells us that negotiations stalemated, and their efforts to take control of the Anusara trademarks from John will cease. They (the LC) hopes to continue working to develop a new teacher-led school. I'll remain patient, wait and see what the LC comes up with, entertain other options. I will not align with John again after the shenanigans of the past 6+ months. (I use the word 'shenanigans' to add some humor to this otherwise debacle of tremendous repercussions throughout the community once known as the Anusara Yoga kula (community).)
So, having said all that -- what do I do with this blog? Change the name? I think, YES. How do I get rid of a quote that I've deleted from the blog template, but keeps appearing in my linking to Facebook; a quote from John, no less. Great quote, just not good timing. Maybe I start a NEW blog; like a new life! Invite my 40 'followers' to follow me to the new landing site and begin again. Just might do that.
Today, tho, I'll write in this as I think about next steps.
Yesterday was Gentle Yoga Friday; meaning I taught a Gentle Yoga class. This is a bit more active than my Therapeutic/Gentle class earlier in the week, which also means more people will attend (the word 'therapeutic' stops many from attending, tho I think many could use it). Friday's Gentle class includes a group of about 5-6 'regulars' - people who come each week, almost without fail, plus whoever else may wander in (last week it was a beautiful woman from England). Each has a reason for Gentle Yoga, and my teaching is a slower version of a Basic class. My goal for everyone is to get stronger, do a few things they haven't done before, have fun, learn new 'stuff'. Yesterday, the focus was on new 'stuff'.
Specifically, what I experienced on Wednesday -- see the previous post -- knitting the ribs, scooping the tailbone, opening. These movements, I thought, would not come easily to many students. I came up with a kinesthetic demo for us all -- place hands on lower ribcage in front (right where the ribs tend to flare open). Take a breath and, exhaling, press hands into ribcage (use rib/ab muscles also) to create manual rib knitting. Now, maintain thighs back as they scooped tailbone towards ankles. Keeping hands on ribs, helping to maintain the rib knitting, move shoulders up and back (shoulder loop). I wanted them to see that pulling the ribs in, scooping the tailbone, did not mean sacrificing their posture -- it would, quite simply, make their stance feel more secure, stable, strong.
That worked well (at least they said they understood), so we proceeded. A few standing poses, then to the wall for wall dog, wall parsvottonasana, tree pose with bent knee pressing into wall, and chair pose (backside into wall) and cross one ankle on top of other knee for a hip stretch. Then back to mats for parsvokonasana and trichonasana, keeping ribs knitted, tailbone scooped and back thigh back (tho I noticed that I didn't have to remind them about the thigh). Their evaluation? Their poses felt stronger, and they 'got' it. Finished up with a bit more hip opening, and a long savasana.
I think it was a successful class. The comments afterwards sometimes are misleading -- as in, 'great class', but you never see the student again -- like that. But I think I saw a blossoming of new strength in these students who had chosen to attend my 'Gentle Yoga' class. Love it!
Today? Going to a matinee play in LaJolla; then the first social event with Wisdom Warriors. Looking forward to it.
Hope your Saturday is a good one.
So, having said all that -- what do I do with this blog? Change the name? I think, YES. How do I get rid of a quote that I've deleted from the blog template, but keeps appearing in my linking to Facebook; a quote from John, no less. Great quote, just not good timing. Maybe I start a NEW blog; like a new life! Invite my 40 'followers' to follow me to the new landing site and begin again. Just might do that.
Today, tho, I'll write in this as I think about next steps.
Yesterday was Gentle Yoga Friday; meaning I taught a Gentle Yoga class. This is a bit more active than my Therapeutic/Gentle class earlier in the week, which also means more people will attend (the word 'therapeutic' stops many from attending, tho I think many could use it). Friday's Gentle class includes a group of about 5-6 'regulars' - people who come each week, almost without fail, plus whoever else may wander in (last week it was a beautiful woman from England). Each has a reason for Gentle Yoga, and my teaching is a slower version of a Basic class. My goal for everyone is to get stronger, do a few things they haven't done before, have fun, learn new 'stuff'. Yesterday, the focus was on new 'stuff'.
Specifically, what I experienced on Wednesday -- see the previous post -- knitting the ribs, scooping the tailbone, opening. These movements, I thought, would not come easily to many students. I came up with a kinesthetic demo for us all -- place hands on lower ribcage in front (right where the ribs tend to flare open). Take a breath and, exhaling, press hands into ribcage (use rib/ab muscles also) to create manual rib knitting. Now, maintain thighs back as they scooped tailbone towards ankles. Keeping hands on ribs, helping to maintain the rib knitting, move shoulders up and back (shoulder loop). I wanted them to see that pulling the ribs in, scooping the tailbone, did not mean sacrificing their posture -- it would, quite simply, make their stance feel more secure, stable, strong.
That worked well (at least they said they understood), so we proceeded. A few standing poses, then to the wall for wall dog, wall parsvottonasana, tree pose with bent knee pressing into wall, and chair pose (backside into wall) and cross one ankle on top of other knee for a hip stretch. Then back to mats for parsvokonasana and trichonasana, keeping ribs knitted, tailbone scooped and back thigh back (tho I noticed that I didn't have to remind them about the thigh). Their evaluation? Their poses felt stronger, and they 'got' it. Finished up with a bit more hip opening, and a long savasana.
I think it was a successful class. The comments afterwards sometimes are misleading -- as in, 'great class', but you never see the student again -- like that. But I think I saw a blossoming of new strength in these students who had chosen to attend my 'Gentle Yoga' class. Love it!
Today? Going to a matinee play in LaJolla; then the first social event with Wisdom Warriors. Looking forward to it.
Hope your Saturday is a good one.
A line from my Pilates instructor? yes; a line from Desiree Rumbaugh in the Wisdom Warriors yoga practice today? also, yes.
For several in the room of 20 Warriors (aged 50+), this was new terminology (unless they have Pilates experience). For me, well - I'd heard it in Pilates, but I had also heard it before from Desiree (first time, at a workshop in Springdale, Utah; then in Driggs, Idaho). This time, she added on "scoop your tailbone, hard! and keep your thighs back". What? (One confession -- she may have said the stuff about tailbone and thighs before; if so, I've blocked that memory.)
Best of all, today, she was giving these multi-tasking instructions with me demo'ing parsvakonasana and transitioning to trichonasana. It goes like this:
For several in the room of 20 Warriors (aged 50+), this was new terminology (unless they have Pilates experience). For me, well - I'd heard it in Pilates, but I had also heard it before from Desiree (first time, at a workshop in Springdale, Utah; then in Driggs, Idaho). This time, she added on "scoop your tailbone, hard! and keep your thighs back". What? (One confession -- she may have said the stuff about tailbone and thighs before; if so, I've blocked that memory.)
Best of all, today, she was giving these multi-tasking instructions with me demo'ing parsvakonasana and transitioning to trichonasana. It goes like this:
- Set your foundation for parsvakonasana (side angle pose)
- Take your gaze towards your navel -- no way you can do this without knitting your ribs
- Scoop your tailbone strongly as you keep the back thigh back (is that clear enough?)
- Keeping the actions of ribs knitted and tailbone scooped (and back thigh back), extend the top arm over your ear, breathe, open. Just keep breathing, take gaze to upper arm, you will open; it happened for me.
- Now, transition to trichonasana (triangle)
- Once again, check out your navel
- Scoop your tailbone, extend energy down from solar plexus (lower rib cage)
- Oh, and keep back thigh back
- Holding 6, 7, and 8, open and extend your top arm to the sky
- Take your gaze towards the lifted arm
O.K., I did all this in a demo that lasted at least 5 minutes; maybe 8 minutes. Then, the group did it -- beginning on the same side. Gotta tell you my right leg was talking to me when we switched sides.
This was the teaching today -- lower rib cage held in check (not allowed to flair with abandon), tailbone scooped -- the result? Stronger poses, more confident poses, beautiful poses.
What else did we do with our ribs knitted and tailbones scooped?
Handstands, forearm balances, many variations of bakasana (crow/crane), dhanurasana (bow), some things I think we just 'made up', urdhva dhanurasana (wheel pose), more handstands, ardha matsyendrasana (seated twist), hanumanasana (splits). I've missed a lot, but I think I captured the essence. Desiree was on fire; and she ignited us.
For me, the best part? Lasting out that 15 minute demo; maybe it was 20 minutes. Yeah, I'm sure it was 25 minutes.
Tomorrow? Watch out Thursday class!
Sunday, I accepted an invitation to attend a short workshop titled "Introduction to the MELT Method". Curious about this method - which I had heard of with increasing frequency - I accepted, submitted my registration, and made the drive in to Del Mar to participate.
So, what is MELT? Myofascial Energetic Lengthening Technique. Developed by a fitness trainer, massage therapist and Rolfer, it is a method to massage, lubricate thru manipulation, and lengthen the layer of tissue that lies beneath our skin and surrounds muscles and organs. That layer that basically supports and holds us together - the fascia.
The workshop I attended dealt with MELT for the hands and feet -- which, it was explained, will help with many areas of the body. We were given 3 small balls of varying size and density. First, we did an assessment - some balance work, and then the MELT-ing began. We started with the larger, soft ball, rolling it under and pressing it into points on one foot (this process was repeated on the other foot and then on the hands). Note, this is done in a particular order, according to how our fascia flows. We moved to the tiny, very hard ball, and did some similar movements. Then the more dense larger ball came into action. We moved this differently - gliding and rinsing the soles of our feet in a specific order and direction. My experience? The first two balls were fine, interesting; the 3rd, a bit uncomfortable -- which is a sign of tightness, dehydration, etc. -- especially, the 'rinsing' (rolling the ball from the base of each toe to the heel with equal, firm pressure).
Ahhh, learning new stuff is fun. It's also a challenge to step out of our 'box', our comfort zone. Experience something new and keep an open mind.
Once we had completed both feet, we did the same balance work to re-assess (and, perhaps, see the results of our work). Interesting that the balance was better; I felt more grounded; and my feet certainly felt more open and spacious.
On to the hands. Similar work. Assess; use the balls; re-assess. Not quite as dramatic, but my hands did feel more spacious and stronger when finished.
This morning? Going to MELT (I did buy a set of the balls). Then practice. I'll teach my Therapeutic class at 2pm, followed by Prenatal. Excited that in just 2 weeks, I'll participate in another workshop -- this one, with Jessica Jennings on teaching prenatal yoga. My prenatal teaching will benefit from this refresher.
Hope you have a great Tuesday!
So, what is MELT? Myofascial Energetic Lengthening Technique. Developed by a fitness trainer, massage therapist and Rolfer, it is a method to massage, lubricate thru manipulation, and lengthen the layer of tissue that lies beneath our skin and surrounds muscles and organs. That layer that basically supports and holds us together - the fascia.
The workshop I attended dealt with MELT for the hands and feet -- which, it was explained, will help with many areas of the body. We were given 3 small balls of varying size and density. First, we did an assessment - some balance work, and then the MELT-ing began. We started with the larger, soft ball, rolling it under and pressing it into points on one foot (this process was repeated on the other foot and then on the hands). Note, this is done in a particular order, according to how our fascia flows. We moved to the tiny, very hard ball, and did some similar movements. Then the more dense larger ball came into action. We moved this differently - gliding and rinsing the soles of our feet in a specific order and direction. My experience? The first two balls were fine, interesting; the 3rd, a bit uncomfortable -- which is a sign of tightness, dehydration, etc. -- especially, the 'rinsing' (rolling the ball from the base of each toe to the heel with equal, firm pressure).
Ahhh, learning new stuff is fun. It's also a challenge to step out of our 'box', our comfort zone. Experience something new and keep an open mind.
Once we had completed both feet, we did the same balance work to re-assess (and, perhaps, see the results of our work). Interesting that the balance was better; I felt more grounded; and my feet certainly felt more open and spacious.
On to the hands. Similar work. Assess; use the balls; re-assess. Not quite as dramatic, but my hands did feel more spacious and stronger when finished.
This morning? Going to MELT (I did buy a set of the balls). Then practice. I'll teach my Therapeutic class at 2pm, followed by Prenatal. Excited that in just 2 weeks, I'll participate in another workshop -- this one, with Jessica Jennings on teaching prenatal yoga. My prenatal teaching will benefit from this refresher.
Hope you have a great Tuesday!
I am sorry to say that I missed this Wednesday's Wisdom Warrior gathering. Unavoidable absence -- needed to take a few days and visit my family in Spokane.
As I flew in yesterday (Thursday), I pondered what I would teach my afternoon class (to be honest, I have used a lot of the material from the Wednesday practice as a template for this Thursday gathering). Missing the practice means I have no fresh material. Nevertheless, I was excited for the class to happen, to see the 'regulars' (it's taken a while, but I do have 'regulars' now), to experience students' thirst for more yoga knowledge.
So, arrived in Orange County at noon, smooth drive home, quick lunch and a short rest, then it was off to Temecula to teach. What to teach, was my lingering concern.
Two newer students in the room, plus 3 'regulars'. Not bad for 4pm on a Thursday. Now, what do I teach? I decided on some twisted poses - things like revolved half moon and triangle. After sitting on a plane for 3 hours, and spending a couple hours sitting and waiting or driving, I knew I would love to do some twists -- so that was the plan. Using the wall in these poses would refine the 'regulars' and offer accessibility to the newer students -- perfect!
First, tho, after warming up we had to do a few handstands. I marvel at the progress and refinement that has happened in the 'regulars'. At this studio, each of them attends many different classes with different instructors. Love that. And, it all congeals into a refining (loving that word today). Good stuff.
Today? Teaching again -- Gentle Yoga at 11:30am, also in Temecula.
Hope you have a great Friday!
As I flew in yesterday (Thursday), I pondered what I would teach my afternoon class (to be honest, I have used a lot of the material from the Wednesday practice as a template for this Thursday gathering). Missing the practice means I have no fresh material. Nevertheless, I was excited for the class to happen, to see the 'regulars' (it's taken a while, but I do have 'regulars' now), to experience students' thirst for more yoga knowledge.
So, arrived in Orange County at noon, smooth drive home, quick lunch and a short rest, then it was off to Temecula to teach. What to teach, was my lingering concern.
Two newer students in the room, plus 3 'regulars'. Not bad for 4pm on a Thursday. Now, what do I teach? I decided on some twisted poses - things like revolved half moon and triangle. After sitting on a plane for 3 hours, and spending a couple hours sitting and waiting or driving, I knew I would love to do some twists -- so that was the plan. Using the wall in these poses would refine the 'regulars' and offer accessibility to the newer students -- perfect!
First, tho, after warming up we had to do a few handstands. I marvel at the progress and refinement that has happened in the 'regulars'. At this studio, each of them attends many different classes with different instructors. Love that. And, it all congeals into a refining (loving that word today). Good stuff.
Today? Teaching again -- Gentle Yoga at 11:30am, also in Temecula.
Hope you have a great Friday!
My blog postings recently have focused most on the recently-begun Wisdom Warriors, a once-weekly, two-hour practice group of 50+ year old women and men. As most of you know, the group is coordinated by Desiree Rumbaugh and Geri Portnoy, with one or two others filling in if they are out of town. Why has my focus been so one-pointed? Well, with Anusara in turmoil right now (there may be light at the end of the tunnel, so I am still waiting), the Warriors is one very light moment of my week and has re-invigorated my practice and my teaching. That's worth writing about.
So, to proceed . . .
Six weeks in, and we've practiced with Desiree 4 times; Geri once; and - yesterday - Garry Alessio filled in for the traveling Warrior leaders. Talk about putting one's feet to the fire! I mentioned pressure in my title, since Desiree has come to enjoy these blog posts; but Garry had to practice with and guide 15 Warrior women through 2 hours of yoga! I guess he wins the 'pressure war'.
Why? Well, everyone attending is a steady yoga practitioner. We all come from different teaching backgrounds and different teachers. Some of us travel from other locales and studios to do this practice. A practice is an opportunity to do our yoga, ask questions, offer some input, ask for heat/air adjustments, perhaps do our own advanced version of the pose being suggested. It is a different 'animal' that the usual yoga class, where everyone is quiet and trying to do exactly what the instructor offers. (One side effect: we are becoming our own community within a community!)
I hope you get the picture by now -- one guy, standing in front of fifteen 50+ year-old accomplished yogis, offering a practice sequence with immediate feedback (and sound effects) from participants. Don't get me wrong, we weren't rowdy, just vocal.
But, best of all and as we've done each week, we had fun. Garry took us through a well-rounded practice, some moves that I'd not done before, and sequences that were challenging. And, some of us had a few good laughs at ourselves (me, in particular, when I found myself lying in a heap as I tried to exit one of those unfamiliar moves).
In each of these practices (as in classes), I like to reflect on the things I learned. Here are a couple:
So, to proceed . . .
Six weeks in, and we've practiced with Desiree 4 times; Geri once; and - yesterday - Garry Alessio filled in for the traveling Warrior leaders. Talk about putting one's feet to the fire! I mentioned pressure in my title, since Desiree has come to enjoy these blog posts; but Garry had to practice with and guide 15 Warrior women through 2 hours of yoga! I guess he wins the 'pressure war'.
Why? Well, everyone attending is a steady yoga practitioner. We all come from different teaching backgrounds and different teachers. Some of us travel from other locales and studios to do this practice. A practice is an opportunity to do our yoga, ask questions, offer some input, ask for heat/air adjustments, perhaps do our own advanced version of the pose being suggested. It is a different 'animal' that the usual yoga class, where everyone is quiet and trying to do exactly what the instructor offers. (One side effect: we are becoming our own community within a community!)
I hope you get the picture by now -- one guy, standing in front of fifteen 50+ year-old accomplished yogis, offering a practice sequence with immediate feedback (and sound effects) from participants. Don't get me wrong, we weren't rowdy, just vocal.
But, best of all and as we've done each week, we had fun. Garry took us through a well-rounded practice, some moves that I'd not done before, and sequences that were challenging. And, some of us had a few good laughs at ourselves (me, in particular, when I found myself lying in a heap as I tried to exit one of those unfamiliar moves).
In each of these practices (as in classes), I like to reflect on the things I learned. Here are a couple:
- Parighasana (gate pose) -- place a block under the hip of the extended leg, place the other leg in virasana, lengthen torso and reach for extended foot with corresponding arm. Now take other arm over your head towards foot. What's different? The elevation provided by the block makes the journey to the foot much more enjoyable.
- Ustrasana (camel pose) -- as we prepared, Garry suggested we press our hands into the back of our thighs (and press back with the thighs). This was interesting, something I'd not done before. What happened? I was able to lift heart, lean back more confidently, and - when reaching for the ankles - it was both hands reaching the heels at the same time. For me, that doesn't happen always. We tried it twice - both times, same result.
Thank you, Garry, for being our guide. As I said, it was fun, I learned some new stuff, I refined some other stuff, I enjoyed being with everyone.
Today? Well, my Thursday class will benefit from yesterday's exploration of new 'stuff'.
I hope you all have a great Thursday, as well!
WW #5
Wow! yesterday (Wednesday) was the fifth installment of Wisdom Warriors, the practice I've written about each week. It's become a habit for me to write about it in this blog, so here goes:
Major change this week: Geri leads the practice, as Desiree is traveling. What to expect? Not sure. I have attended Geri's classes (even a practice), but not as regularly as I'd like. I do know this: It will be challenging with a different flavor.
Different flavors are good. I wish many yoga students would try different flavors. Why? So much to learn, an opportunity to create a flexibility of the mind. What do I mean by that? Well, if you are a yoga teacher and you fill in for someone's regular class, you may have seen students move to the next pose in a series - as if on automatic pilot. I know that if I study and practice with just one or two instructors, I fall into their rhythm. I know what to expect, I move without really thinking or listening. Change it up a bit, and I have to listen more carefully; I also have to wait to see what the new or different instructor will ask me to do. No anticipating the movement. I also am sure to pick up a few tidbits of information if I listen closely.
That was the case yesterday. Geri is a different teacher. I'd sum it up as she injects a calm, efficient, knowing energy into a room. One that says, 'you can do it, let's try' in a voice that is all of the above (no hype, no perky, no super enthusiastic); then, if you still refuse, she immediately moves into reassuring mode, even offering a compliment on the way you did a previous move. Nice.
I'm thinking here of the instructor that says 'you can do it! just step back, jump, and fly!' When you read the previous sentence, make sure you add a lot of emphasis to the bolded words, raise your voice a few decibels, and get VERY enthusiastic. To a student like me, I respond 'right'. I know myself. I know I won't fly (yet). I want it broken down, explained, offered to me so that I can visualize where I am 'flying' to and how I am going to get my body there, as well as my mind.
As I've been writing, I've been trying to come up with a good simple descriptive for the two teachers (Geri and Desiree). Contrary compliments is one that comes to mind. They are not alike. And neither is trying to teach like the other. They have their own voice. Each has a unique wisdom. It is a great balance.
We, the Wisdom Warriors, are very lucky students!
Oh, and one more note about WW: Geri began our class with a quote from one of FDR's speeches (and, which has been modified by Brene Brown to a book title): 'the only thing we have to fear is fear itself' and applied it to our efforts as 50+ year olds doing things many would never dream of. I immediately related to her comments that, at this age, we move into a knowing and a confidence that allows us to do the challenging without fear of failure. So, I am listening, I am inspired; I am also listening to a voice in my head reciting the verse of a song "If I Were Brave", by the 4 Bitchin' Babes. If you get a chance check it out. You'll understand.
Today? Watch out 4pm class; I come prepared with a few new tricks, thanks to Geri.
Since last week's post, I've been practicing a 'few' jumps (perhaps not as many as Des would like). Just hard to get out of the habit of stepping and harder to jump, fall short, and feel good about it. And, much of my practice is done for my own 'feeling good'.
I did teach several of the things we practiced at last Thursday's class. Fortunately (or unfortunately), there were just two in class -- but two dedicated and striving students. Good subjects for the topics I hoped to teach. I included the chair stuff, urdhva dhanurasana, pincha mayurasana, along with some general alignment enhancements (don't lock knees, weight all 4 corners of feet, like that). Smiling students left the room. I overhead them walking down the hall, "boy, that was like a private lesson". I think it was a private; semi-private, at least! I loved it.
In fact, I saw one in the Sunday class I taught. The report from this very accomplished student: Pincha is her 'nemesis' pose; it has always eluded her. Well, after working on it Thursday, she was asked to do it again in a class Saturday. Kicked up the first time. She gave me credit and I don't want to take credit for that (well, yes, I do); I'm sure the practice - doing it again and again - had a lot to do with her success. Now, that's good stuff.
Speaking of the Sunday class, I filled in for a teacher who went to visit her Mother. Weekends are fun, because we can count having more students than our weekday classes draw (especially when your weekday classes begin at 2pm, 3pm, 4pm, 4:30pm -- not exactly the crowd-pleasing times). Mother's Day was questionable, tho. I wished I had realized the day/holiday connection 2 weeks before and I might have asked to offer a 'special'. No matter, I still had 7 students.
After the class, the usual thank you's, the comment from my Thursday student (see para 3), and a comment from a student who thanked me for the 'wealth of anatomical information'. I must admit that I do not ascribe to the concept of 'don't answer the question that hasn't been asked'. Oh, I don't let everything out, but I probably am more verbose that many instructors especially when the workings of the body are involved. Why tell people to stand with feet parallel without telling them why? Why tell people not to let their knee travel in front of their ankle without telling them why? These two examples of really significant postural alignment will help to save their knees and hips. Why skip telling students this stuff?
Maybe it's because some students just want to come to class and 'lose themselves' in the music and movement. That's fine; but, if they come to my classes -- they'll get movement with a purpose and no music. Tough love.
Teaching 2 classes today. Hope you have a great Tuesday!
I did teach several of the things we practiced at last Thursday's class. Fortunately (or unfortunately), there were just two in class -- but two dedicated and striving students. Good subjects for the topics I hoped to teach. I included the chair stuff, urdhva dhanurasana, pincha mayurasana, along with some general alignment enhancements (don't lock knees, weight all 4 corners of feet, like that). Smiling students left the room. I overhead them walking down the hall, "boy, that was like a private lesson". I think it was a private; semi-private, at least! I loved it.
In fact, I saw one in the Sunday class I taught. The report from this very accomplished student: Pincha is her 'nemesis' pose; it has always eluded her. Well, after working on it Thursday, she was asked to do it again in a class Saturday. Kicked up the first time. She gave me credit and I don't want to take credit for that (well, yes, I do); I'm sure the practice - doing it again and again - had a lot to do with her success. Now, that's good stuff.
Speaking of the Sunday class, I filled in for a teacher who went to visit her Mother. Weekends are fun, because we can count having more students than our weekday classes draw (especially when your weekday classes begin at 2pm, 3pm, 4pm, 4:30pm -- not exactly the crowd-pleasing times). Mother's Day was questionable, tho. I wished I had realized the day/holiday connection 2 weeks before and I might have asked to offer a 'special'. No matter, I still had 7 students.
After the class, the usual thank you's, the comment from my Thursday student (see para 3), and a comment from a student who thanked me for the 'wealth of anatomical information'. I must admit that I do not ascribe to the concept of 'don't answer the question that hasn't been asked'. Oh, I don't let everything out, but I probably am more verbose that many instructors especially when the workings of the body are involved. Why tell people to stand with feet parallel without telling them why? Why tell people not to let their knee travel in front of their ankle without telling them why? These two examples of really significant postural alignment will help to save their knees and hips. Why skip telling students this stuff?
Maybe it's because some students just want to come to class and 'lose themselves' in the music and movement. That's fine; but, if they come to my classes -- they'll get movement with a purpose and no music. Tough love.
Teaching 2 classes today. Hope you have a great Tuesday!
"JUMP BACK" she instructed . . .
"Jump back" she instructed and my mind went in to frantic mode -- jumping, my nemesis. In fact, anything that has me lifting feet from floor, propelling them in a direction away from my hands, is not (and never has been) in my repertoire. Most times I will ignore these instructions to jump - stepping instead. Something about this instruction seemed to say 'do it' and, in a room of thirty 50+ year olds (all giving it the good old college try; many succeeding beautifully), what can one do but try to comply.
So . . .
Uttanasana, hands on floor, hamstrings are tight - so step back a few inches from hands, energize arms-shoulders-shoulder blades, melt heart, bring weight forward over hands, take a breath, now JUMP BACK, land in chaturanga dandasana (imagine a push-up just before you reach the ground and hit your 'pause' button). Good instructions, but for someone like me (who has never been a good or willing jumper), challenging. I asked the questions "how about those of us who have never jumped, avoided it - to be perfectly honest?". Well, a demo.
A demo by my good friend Debra (last name left out to protect the innocent). Same instructions, beautiful jump-back, but - because she allowed herself to go to the floor rather than hit her 'pause' button, she got up and did it again. Not just twice, three times -- until there was a definite 'pause' before going to the floor. Beautiful. Impressive. Envy-producing. (BTW, the repeated attempts were Debra's idea, not forced on her by anyone -- just being clear here -- what a trooper!)
Back to my mat for a few more tries. Jump back to chaturanga dandasana (the paused push-up), go to down dog, NOW JUMP FORWARD. I'm about filled to the brim with 'jumping', when lo-and-behold, my jump forward was at least 4 inches closer to my hands than EVER. Progress.
The previous 4 paragraphs have been dedicated to our 'Wisdom Warriors' practice yesterday (Wednesday). Like each of the last 3 weeks, it was fun. It was comfortable. It felt safe to do (or not do) the poses (most were offered with options - EXCEPT that 'jumping' part). We worked on arm strength and shoulder opening in preparation for backbending. Geri brought out the chairs (oh no, the chairs!). I never knew you could do so much with chairs. Just a simple folding chair; one like you can buy at any retail store. So much good stuff.
So much good stuff, that I think I just came up with my plan for today's Basics class. Fun.
Wednesdays are fast becoming one of the best days of my week. Thank you, thank you, thank you to Desiree, Geri, and all my new and inspiring friends!
Now, on to Thursday.
So . . .
Uttanasana, hands on floor, hamstrings are tight - so step back a few inches from hands, energize arms-shoulders-shoulder blades, melt heart, bring weight forward over hands, take a breath, now JUMP BACK, land in chaturanga dandasana (imagine a push-up just before you reach the ground and hit your 'pause' button). Good instructions, but for someone like me (who has never been a good or willing jumper), challenging. I asked the questions "how about those of us who have never jumped, avoided it - to be perfectly honest?". Well, a demo.
A demo by my good friend Debra (last name left out to protect the innocent). Same instructions, beautiful jump-back, but - because she allowed herself to go to the floor rather than hit her 'pause' button, she got up and did it again. Not just twice, three times -- until there was a definite 'pause' before going to the floor. Beautiful. Impressive. Envy-producing. (BTW, the repeated attempts were Debra's idea, not forced on her by anyone -- just being clear here -- what a trooper!)
Back to my mat for a few more tries. Jump back to chaturanga dandasana (the paused push-up), go to down dog, NOW JUMP FORWARD. I'm about filled to the brim with 'jumping', when lo-and-behold, my jump forward was at least 4 inches closer to my hands than EVER. Progress.
The previous 4 paragraphs have been dedicated to our 'Wisdom Warriors' practice yesterday (Wednesday). Like each of the last 3 weeks, it was fun. It was comfortable. It felt safe to do (or not do) the poses (most were offered with options - EXCEPT that 'jumping' part). We worked on arm strength and shoulder opening in preparation for backbending. Geri brought out the chairs (oh no, the chairs!). I never knew you could do so much with chairs. Just a simple folding chair; one like you can buy at any retail store. So much good stuff.
So much good stuff, that I think I just came up with my plan for today's Basics class. Fun.
Wednesdays are fast becoming one of the best days of my week. Thank you, thank you, thank you to Desiree, Geri, and all my new and inspiring friends!
Now, on to Thursday.
As many of you know, each Monday from 3-4pm, I teach a class at the Fallbrook Library. This is my gift to my new community. I volunteer my time, students come into class at no charge.
To say this is a 'traditional' yoga class would be stretching it a bit. Many have never done yoga, or have done a different style, or perhaps are returning to the practice. Ages range from 12 to 60+. Average attendance lately is 20. I think I mentioned in an earlier post that about 15 of those are 'regulars', the rest are newcomers (who may become regulars).
Yesterday's class was no different than what I've described. We worked on the 'little' things -- feet parallel, thighs back, arms reaching for the fullest stretch possible. Then, a couple challenges -- first vasisthasana (side plank). Out of the room, the comment heard was "I'm too heavy for this". What did I do? A short demo and talk about involving the rest of the body in the pose, not just the poor wrist and arm holding it up. "Keep hips high"; "pull yourself up out of the lower arm, using the reach of the upper arm", "use your leg strength". Second time around was better, I think (tho the man who made the comment was not convinced; his pose looked better, tho).
Then malasana (squat), some with heels on a blanket. Here's a good example of the freedom I'm feeling while teaching -- rather than look out at a room of people half-squatting, and leave it at that - moving on to another, more accessible, pose. We all stood up, and I asked them -- "I notice many of you bent your knees, made it halfway down, then stopped. Why?" One person expressed concern about the knees, the rest had simply never done it before (or, it's been a long time). Mystery resolved, we made some adjustments and tried it again with more success. (I must tell you, it is so much more freeing to teach like this -- more like a conversation, than a monologue.)
Now, as long as I've got everyone in malasana, why not go for bakasana? (This is something I have tried very little of with this group -- arm balances!) Several in the room had brief moments of elevation, many at least tried, some just stood and watched. I didn't push anyone to try the pose who wasn't comfortable doing it. I even offered them the option of standing on a block, then moving into the pose -- which, for some makes it more accessible. Fortunately, no one did any massive face plants, and we moved on.
A one-hour class restricts how far we can go; how much we can do. There just isn't time to do the full spectrum. We finished out class with some back lying poses and savasana. My closing line -- "When I step out of my comfort zone, I remember my power; in the past, I used to short-change myself in this regard, saying 'I can't do this or that', and not giving it a try. Everyone tried and even if we didn't succeed today, we tried. That bodes well for the next time." Audible groan from the room (see, I said it wasn't your usual class).
Hope you have a great Tuesday.
To say this is a 'traditional' yoga class would be stretching it a bit. Many have never done yoga, or have done a different style, or perhaps are returning to the practice. Ages range from 12 to 60+. Average attendance lately is 20. I think I mentioned in an earlier post that about 15 of those are 'regulars', the rest are newcomers (who may become regulars).
Yesterday's class was no different than what I've described. We worked on the 'little' things -- feet parallel, thighs back, arms reaching for the fullest stretch possible. Then, a couple challenges -- first vasisthasana (side plank). Out of the room, the comment heard was "I'm too heavy for this". What did I do? A short demo and talk about involving the rest of the body in the pose, not just the poor wrist and arm holding it up. "Keep hips high"; "pull yourself up out of the lower arm, using the reach of the upper arm", "use your leg strength". Second time around was better, I think (tho the man who made the comment was not convinced; his pose looked better, tho).
Then malasana (squat), some with heels on a blanket. Here's a good example of the freedom I'm feeling while teaching -- rather than look out at a room of people half-squatting, and leave it at that - moving on to another, more accessible, pose. We all stood up, and I asked them -- "I notice many of you bent your knees, made it halfway down, then stopped. Why?" One person expressed concern about the knees, the rest had simply never done it before (or, it's been a long time). Mystery resolved, we made some adjustments and tried it again with more success. (I must tell you, it is so much more freeing to teach like this -- more like a conversation, than a monologue.)
Now, as long as I've got everyone in malasana, why not go for bakasana? (This is something I have tried very little of with this group -- arm balances!) Several in the room had brief moments of elevation, many at least tried, some just stood and watched. I didn't push anyone to try the pose who wasn't comfortable doing it. I even offered them the option of standing on a block, then moving into the pose -- which, for some makes it more accessible. Fortunately, no one did any massive face plants, and we moved on.
A one-hour class restricts how far we can go; how much we can do. There just isn't time to do the full spectrum. We finished out class with some back lying poses and savasana. My closing line -- "When I step out of my comfort zone, I remember my power; in the past, I used to short-change myself in this regard, saying 'I can't do this or that', and not giving it a try. Everyone tried and even if we didn't succeed today, we tried. That bodes well for the next time." Audible groan from the room (see, I said it wasn't your usual class).
Hope you have a great Tuesday.
There are apparent side effects to practicing weekly with Desiree Rumbaugh. These are coming out as I teach.
The first, very outstanding one is the re-invigorated access to teachings that I had forgotten. You know -- like those poses you forget about, or the poses you don't enjoy doing and, therefore, teach less often. I'm loving being reminded each week that there is much more, so much that it is easy to get stuck teaching the familiar and comfortable. I am coming out of that rut (just ask the students). Knowledge.
My strength is coming back. Oh, I can't do all the poses yet, but I am regaining much of the strength that I had lost over the past year. This has been partly my lack of initiative; but, also, due to frequent bouts with colds, flu, etc. The practice -- the act of committing to this weekly get-together -- is increasing my strength, slowly but surely. And, when I am on my mat alone, I am more likely to do the more challenging stuff. Accountability.
There's another "Leslie" appearing in the 'Seat of the Teacher'. Huh? Yesterday, as I taught, I heard myself using phrases, exclamations, encouragements previously not part of my vocabulary. I might sum it up as more lively, more involved, more fun(?). I hope so. Enjoyment.
I'm sure there are more 'side effects' yet to be revealed, but this last one -- enjoyment -- is a real boon to my teaching. I am able to relax, I notice I'm more engaged with the students, I am having fun.
Just an update. Hope you have a great Friday!
"Head behind leg, check! Shoulder in sole of foot, check! Handstand to Warrior III & back to handstand, check! (Well, not really - but, I gave them all the good old college try.) Wisdom Warriors Rock!"
I posted the above on Facebook last night when I returned home from the third Wisdom Warriors practice. We did all of the above things (plus more); many in the room were much more accomplished than me, but - as I said - I did try.
Much of the practice reminded me of the days in Salt Lake, going to class or practice with Adam Ballenger (who, by the way, traveled the Anusara ladder via Desiree). Perhaps that's why I kept thinking of him -- my teaching is often reflective of those I have studied with. I even heard myself let out a groan (or a hoot) that very much reminded me of the sound effects Adam would employ in classes. Ahhh, reflection.
Surprise, I looked down at my mat at one point, and saw sweat drops littering it! Haven't seen that kind of work for a while (or, perhaps it was the heat/humidity in the room). No matter, I loved it.
Best of all, I saw many of the same faces and a few new ones. A friend from Temecula made the journey. And, Orange County was represented, as well (for those of you unfamiliar with our geography, these are significant drives -- over an hour, I'm thinking). And, if you are curious, the traffic 'gods' were with me again. I even left 10 minutes early, thinking that 3 weeks in a row cannot happen; better be prepared for a little 'stoppage' on the freeway. But, it didn't happen; smooth sailing, all the way.
I read a Facebook post early this morning -- something like "it's not about the poses". I agree, it's not. And, many times I can't do the poses. That doesn't mean I don't try. I do. My theory - if I begin to take the body towards the shape, eventually I'll get there. I've seen it happen in myself -- try, try, try, 'bang' - I'm in the pose. So, I keep trying. And, I keep laughing; it makes everything more palatable.
I'm teaching Basics today in Temecula (Living Yoga), at 4pm. I have a wealth of new material (taken from Wisdom Warriors); so, watch out!
I LOVE WEDNESDAYS AND ALL MY NEW WARRIOR FRIENDS, and I hope you have a great Thursday,
I posted the above on Facebook last night when I returned home from the third Wisdom Warriors practice. We did all of the above things (plus more); many in the room were much more accomplished than me, but - as I said - I did try.
Much of the practice reminded me of the days in Salt Lake, going to class or practice with Adam Ballenger (who, by the way, traveled the Anusara ladder via Desiree). Perhaps that's why I kept thinking of him -- my teaching is often reflective of those I have studied with. I even heard myself let out a groan (or a hoot) that very much reminded me of the sound effects Adam would employ in classes. Ahhh, reflection.
Surprise, I looked down at my mat at one point, and saw sweat drops littering it! Haven't seen that kind of work for a while (or, perhaps it was the heat/humidity in the room). No matter, I loved it.
Best of all, I saw many of the same faces and a few new ones. A friend from Temecula made the journey. And, Orange County was represented, as well (for those of you unfamiliar with our geography, these are significant drives -- over an hour, I'm thinking). And, if you are curious, the traffic 'gods' were with me again. I even left 10 minutes early, thinking that 3 weeks in a row cannot happen; better be prepared for a little 'stoppage' on the freeway. But, it didn't happen; smooth sailing, all the way.
I read a Facebook post early this morning -- something like "it's not about the poses". I agree, it's not. And, many times I can't do the poses. That doesn't mean I don't try. I do. My theory - if I begin to take the body towards the shape, eventually I'll get there. I've seen it happen in myself -- try, try, try, 'bang' - I'm in the pose. So, I keep trying. And, I keep laughing; it makes everything more palatable.
I'm teaching Basics today in Temecula (Living Yoga), at 4pm. I have a wealth of new material (taken from Wisdom Warriors); so, watch out!
I LOVE WEDNESDAYS AND ALL MY NEW WARRIOR FRIENDS, and I hope you have a great Thursday,