Leslie Salmon Leslie Salmon


I taught two classes yesterday - back to back - a basics, then a mixed level. The basics, because it was earlier (10am) was better attended; 11 in the room. The mixed level, because it started middle of the day (noon), suffers from that start time; just 6 attended.

As I wrote that last sentence, I thought "never should I write 'just 6 attended'". What I would give to have 6 consistently in my weekday classes! But, that's another subject.
Because neither class is named "Anusara®" or "Anusara-Inspired™", I am trying to figure out if I felt more free or if I felt more constricted (like, what do I teach?). Interesting dilemma. As I went into the room, I asked Ashley how she handles this situation -- response: "I always chant and teach Anusara®". So, that's what I did -- chanted and taught two pretty solid Anusara-Inspired™ classes, without getting too wrapped up in details about the UPA's or Anusara's® philosophy. Simply asked for the alignment elements we expect to see in our Anusara® classes -- feet parallel, fingers spread comfortably, hands shoulder width apart, like that.
The first class (the larger one) was impressive. Several were either new to the studio or new to yoga; yet, mid-way through the class, I took a minute to comment on two things I saw: (1) Each person had straight, strong back legs in their lunges and (2) When coming out of vrksasana (tree pose), each person calmly released foot to the floor and simply stood in tadasana -- no jumping around or ankle shaking. Be still my heart!
FYI, later in the evening, while going through a stack of papers, I found a set of notes from session #11 of Christina Sell's first on-line mentoring series. In that, I had written "In the warm-up, articulate what is going well; in the middle of class, articulate what everyone as a group is doing well; then move to what individuals are doing well". I was pleased that pausing to comment (above paragraph), fell in line with these notes -- and I know, I was doing the individual thing all along. I even remembered names!
Class #2 (smaller, but no less skilled), was attended by 6, 5 I had never met before. For some reason, it felt a bit more 'stilted'. I was not as relaxed with this group, even tho they were very nice people. (Maybe that's 'safety in numbers'.) One woman had practiced quite a bit and jumped right in, taking poses a bit farther than I intended. Her alignment was o.k., so I made a decision early on to just leave her alone. I think my tendency with these students is to jump in, try to fix everything; maybe to just show them that I see the places that need enhancement (ego?). This would be consistent with the 'testosterone' competitions you witness on freeways around the world -- like, who can drive the car faster, more adeptly, more daringly. I held back, we moved through the class. At the end, she spoke up, telling me that she had never attended a class like mine before. (How does one take that?) Fortunately, she went on to say that something about my teaching had propelled her to places she had not visited before in her practice. (Whew!) So, it was a win-win. By holding back, I didn't embarrass her or get in a 'battle of wills'; by letting her watch, listen, move with moderate guidance, she progressed.
We teach and learn; interesting, especially when you write it out.
Today? It's the big birthday celebration for my son (Derek) and Grand-Dude (Brady), who turns 3. But, first, I travel back to Temecula for another 2-hour Expansion Class. This time, the topic is "Contraction to Expansion". Hope to see some people there; so much to choose from right now at that studio, we'll see.
Have a great Sunday!

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Leslie Salmon Leslie Salmon


One busy teaching week, this one has been! Taught two classes Monday; 3 classes Tuesday; no classes, but worked on getting video off camera on to a DVD, Wednesday; then 3 classes on Thursday.

No teaching today, taking son to lunch -- it's his birthday. 37 years old; oh my! Happy Birthday, Derek -- you make us proud!
Back to teaching. Lots of elements to enjoy, to think about, to learn from. Among them:
  • My library class in Fallbrook was attended by 7; 5 of whom were new-to-me students (one new-to-yoga). It will be a challenge to teach many different skill, age and ability levels. I think, tho, this is my kind of teaching. I do enjoy it.
  • Teaching meditation is interesting; never have done it formally, just as a sub. My practice has taught me that it is a slow learning process. However, students come to class (first class) expecting to reap immediate benefits. It is hard to sit for 2, 3 or 5 minutes; no matter how much yoga or exercise you've done. That's a fact; but, try explaining that to someone who is sleep-deprived due to stress and searching for an avenue to find relaxation -- NOW!
  • Tuesday's classes brought scoliosis into my vision -- 2 classes, both with young women who have the condition. Both very body aware and yet searching for ways to deal with this condition. I also got a chance to teach my first formal prenatal class. Whew! This will be a learning opportunity for me.
  • Wednesday - video off camera and on to DVD. Hooray!
  • Thursday - Subbed a gentle yoga class (truly 'gentle', not like I teach it), so I tried to stay in line with the regular instructor's format. New group; first comment "I do more movement stretching to get out of bed in the morning!" Whoaaa! I usually don't encounter such honesty and outspoken-ness; but, having heard that and re-evaluating the group -- I kicked it up a notch.
  • Also on Thursday - in my own morning class, I was able to help a newer-to-yoga student get her legs up the wall into "L" pose. Good, empowering move for her! And, also wonderful for me, was the fact that 7 attended my 4pm class! Once again, all different levels with a 10-year-old thrown in. Fun, even when the cell phones started ringing (including mine !?!?!)
  • Another Thursday Highlight: DVD in the overnight mail to Sarah. Waiting . . .
  • Friday - we'll see what lessons I have to learn from this day.
Hope your Friday is a great one!

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Leslie Salmon Leslie Salmon

FEELING 'INSPIRED' (and a little 'tired')

So far, the week has been a good and busy one, and it's only Wednesday!

Monday's Library class was one that saw growth. There were 7 in the room - 2 repeaters & 5 new-to-me. All seemed to enjoy the class, despite the piano playing on the other side of the divided space we were occupying. The music, while nice, was a bit distracting. Each time I thought that, I wondered how he (the piano player) felt -- also competing with my voice. (FYI, the room has previously been devoted to this yoga class; Monday, however, the room was divided and on one side was the piano, on the other - us. I do admit that I found my voice accelerating in volume as the piano got louder.) Teaches us something - not sure what, but something. Perhaps the lesson is to hope this competition of noises doesn't happen next week!?!?!?
Hopped in the car and sped (drove carefully) up to Temecula, arriving in time to take Ashley's class, which I enjoyed -- a change of pace in that she offered a flowing with the breath type class, no handstands or urdhva's to deal with (tho there were a couple camels thrown in - but then, I like camel).
Then, wait and wonder if people will attend the evening meditation/basic yoga class that I had offered to sub. It's not the most well-attended class (hence the wondering). Be still my heart -- in walked one gentleman, then another young woman, then the man's wife, and - as we got started - a 4th student joined us. Only one had tried meditation before, so we did a blend of gentle movement, a short sit, then a restorative pose, another short sit, then some pranayama (supported by a bolster), and a final sit - which was a couple minutes longer (FYI, a 60 minute class). I think it went well. The experienced meditator may not have gotten what she hoped for, but she was smiling as she left. And, to ask 3 new-to-sitting students to sit for extended periods of time is just plain unreasonable (my opinion).
Tuesday -- in to Carlsbad for my 10:30 class. Still small -- just one young woman with scoliosis in attendance. She had yoga experience, none very detailed, so she was perfect to experience "Leslie's Nit-Picky Private Yoga Session". We lengthened, we talked, we moved, we refined. She left with some new knowledge; we'll see if she returns to my class.
The Therapeutic/Gentle class in Temecula also was attended by a young woman with scoliosis and a woman (almost 80!) with some joint issues. Wide age spectrum, but both with yoga experience. Interesting that, as we worked -- more and more came out about each, in terms of their physical stuff. Each time I turned around, there was something else that had been bothering them that they had forgotten to tell me! It did give us something to laugh about, tho.
My first formal Prenatal/Postpartum Class was also a private. 8 months and counting. Well-schooled (her); needing to become more confident (me). Another learning opportunity.
Today? In to Carlsbad to the Apple store. I did download my video to this computer; cannot get it to a DVD - I've forgotten, need a little help. Had hoped to have it in the mail on Monday, it's Wednesday, no DVD yet! Maybe today.
Add to the above a house to clean, a morning spent taking grand-dudes to karate, laundry to do, errands to run, and I'm feeling it -- a bit tired, that is, but it's been fun (except laundry and cleaning).
Hope your Wednesday is a great one!

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Leslie Salmon Leslie Salmon


The first time I heard "cowboy up!" was from the lips of a Wyoming yoga teacher -- as in 'let's do some yoga -- Wyoming style' !!! Laughed because it was so 'Wyoming' - so strong, so powerful, so fun in a quirky way. And, I have never forgotten.

Isn't it interesting the things I remember? I think I went through a short list many posts back. The things I remember that I only needed to hear once before they were clearly and forever embedded in my emotional and physical self. Things like:
  • How to move your wrist creases to parallel without losing your grip on the mat, or lifting fingertips.
  • Why feet parallel is so important, not just in yoga but in everyday life!
  • 'Don't answer the question that hasn't been asked.' (Actually, this took a while to embed itself because I was so excited to share EVERYTHING I had learned. It's taken, and these days I wait. Thank you, John Friend)
  • Themes are seeds. Plant them and nurture them throughout the class. Be aware of the opposite of my theme and heart quality -- I will be able to more effectively carry through on transmission of my message.
  • Use hand to inner knee to draw a leg back to janu sirsasana. Why? Hip flexors stay more relaxed.
  • Cramps are often caused by too much muscular energy. When struggling with one, try to extend out organically from that painful spot -- it's hard, I know. Try it, anyway.
  • Each pose is a work of art (I frequently ask students to imagine their vrksasana is a painting they've created on the wall. Especially if they begin fidgeting, wiggling from foot to foot, shaking the ankle as soon as they come out of the pose. I ask "What if they took their hand and smeared that beautiful, imaginary painting on the wall?" Same thing. No remembrance of the beauty they created.) Stand still, take a breath instead, remember.
  • And, "Cowboy Up!"
These have been just a few. I actually went back through my notes from a level 2 Teacher Training with JF, and was reminded of some of these (imagine how many I could come up with if I went through all the notes!).
Why did "cowboy up" come to mind? As I taught a short meditation class last night, asking students new to meditation to create their seat, this phrase kept coming to mind -- not sure why, and I didn't use it. It just seemed to fit -- here they are creating their seat, their saddle. Now get on it and ride! Silly stuff, but some days are like that.
In this meditation class, I was queried after class by one student -- 'I hope to learn to relax, but I felt so tense as we sat. Is that how it's supposed to be?' I could tell by the comments and the look on his face that he was very intent on finding a way to relax, to sleep. Since he has not done much yoga (or any meditation, to date), I explained that everything we do is a practice. Sitting in meditation comfortably will take time. I offered them 3 short periods of meditation in this 60-minute class; interspersed with mild movement, a restorative pose, and some pranayama. After all, who can sit for 60 minutes during their first meditation experience? I hope he will accept my answer, accept that practice will give him access to the relaxation and calm he seeks. We'll see if he's in class next week.
Today? 3 classes to teach. A new one for me, prenatal yoga, which I have avoided (except to sub occasionally). Not sure why. Going to give it a shot.
Gonna 'cowboy up!'
Hope you have a great Tuesday.

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Leslie Salmon Leslie Salmon


We arrived back in San Diego Saturday afternoon. Easy trip, no delays, no glitches, smooth sailing. Arrived a few minutes early, even. Retrieved our bags, our car and hit the highway. It was 4:30pm. I'm telling you this because the next paragraph will describe our feat of 'highway magic'.

We kennel'd our dogs at a nice facility in Murrieta (about 15 miles north of our house), and our house is about 45 miles north of the airport (60 miles in all). Our original plan was to pick the dogs upon Sunday during pick-up hours of 3-5:30pm. Well, we both had missed them; Howard had been away longer, so his desire to see them was a bit stronger. We hit the highway, drove with the flow (which, according to manuals is what we should do; it also means you are exceeding the speed limit a bit). I'm thinking 'we'll never make it'; he's driving with a determined gleam in his eye. Long story short, we made it. At 5:25pm, I called the kennel to tell them we were 3 blocks away; at 5:28pm, we pulled into the lot. Paid, loaded dogs, off to home. Whew!
Traffic rarely flows so smoothly on the San Diego freeways; we were lucky. We were also fortunate the plane arrived a bit early, the car was easy to get to and load, things just seemed to 'click along'. Some days are like that.
Home, and all is well. The cats survived (I have 2, who were visited on occasion by our son, Derek, who also watered plants for us and checked on the place). It's a bit dusty, but I can deal with that.
Sunday a.m., we walked dogs, then went for breakfast at a local eatery. Back at home to unpack, do a few other chores, then sat down at computer to download my video. Well, it's been over a year since I've done this part. Let's just say it took all of yesterday afternoon/evening to get the 'movie' ready; now, as soon as this is written, I'll burn it to the DVD (this is also a long process, if I remember correctly). My goal: get it in the mail today. Fingers Crossed.
This time, the video process has been done with much support -- people I knew attended the class, friends and people I've never met formally have been wishing me well over sites like Facebook or through this blog. Truly a great feeling to have that. I thank you all.
Today will be a busy one -- taking 'grand-dudes' to karate this morning; then run a few errands; then teach my class at the Fallbrook Library at 3pm. Maybe I'll take in Ashley's class after, we'll see.
While I love Driggs and our place there, it's good to be home. Hope you have a great Monday!

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Leslie Salmon Leslie Salmon


I obviously have used this title before -- the typing popped into the box even before I was done. Oh, well . . . onward.

It went well. I did as yesterday's post mentioned -- the day was spent doing some house stuff, working on my computer, re-reading my plan. About 1:30, I got on my mat and talked (no, whispered) my way through the planned sequence. Then got ready, hopped in the car with Sundari, drove into town to pick up the 'loaner' tripod, then to the studio. Spent a few minutes setting up the camera, figuring out where it would best capture the room and students (thank you, Sundari, for helping with the camera); briefly reviewed my notes; then people began to arrive.
Eleven people attended this free basic 90-minute class. Of those eleven, five (yes, 5) were Anusara® instructors -- 3 Inspired™ and 2 Certified®. Fortunately, that was not something I thought about until AFTER the class was over and it was mentioned to me.
What can I say about the class, itself? It went very well. I feel much better about last night's teaching than the previous video. What comment comes to mind about the class? The sequence I designed had only ONE chaturanga dandasana (cd). Some might say that's unheard of. I rarely attend a class where there is only ONE cd (I also rarely teach one, unless it's a Gentle Yoga class). But, that's what I planned and that's what we did. Despite the lack of multiple cd's, it still went well -- no one complained openly, and perhaps a few were relieved -- especially those who had put in a long, stressful day at work.
Early in the class I noticed that everyone was doing decent uttanasanas (standing forward fold), but not everyone was maximizing their potential in the pose -- in other words, there were a few lazy hands/arms in the pose. As someone who has always been challenged by many poses, including uttanasana, my fire is stoked when I see the talented wasting their talent. I paused the class, explained that I was watching great uttanasanas (remember, look for the good first), but in several instances I saw room for enhancement. Then, I did an unplanned demo (silent). Hands active and placed outside the feet, elbows bent to the side. Came up, explained that every pose is important, every pose demands and deserves our complete attention. Now, would they do it for me and give me "the best uttanasana of their lives". It worked!
After that, we were off to the races. That demo broke the ice, people were involved, I was no longer nervous. Things flowed. It's a keeper. In fact, I kept the flier the studio had graciously had made up for the class. If this is the video that takes me to Certification, I'm putting that flier on the back of my framed Certificate, as a reminder of when/where/who helped me.
Today? Preparing to return to So. Cal. tomorrow. Hope you have a great Friday!

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Leslie Salmon Leslie Salmon


Not sure if I wrote about this, but - upon review - I decided that the video I filmed 2 weeks ago will not work.

My teaching was strong, there were just some significant errors that will eliminate it from consideration. Your next question? What went wrong? Isn't it interesting that we want to know the negative first. I remember in my first teacher trainings that the emphasis on 'looking for the good' was one of the first things taught. For example, teacher: "What do you see in this pose?" Response from group: "legs too close together" or some other similar comment. Teacher: "Let's take another look at the pose -- tell me, first, what you see beautiful about the pose." Let's just say it didn't take long to absorb that lesson.
No matter what went wrong or right; after you do this for a while, you learn what will fly and what won't. Unfortunately, that video won't fly. So, what next? The class in Driggs. Tonight.
I brought camera, cords, notes; forgot the tripod. Called upon friends, they are bringing one. Not feeling quite so nervous as the last video; perhaps it's the fact that I am more familiar with this studio (after all, I've only studied in Temecula for 4 months; have been going to YogaTejas for infrequently 5+ years).
Will review notes, practice a bit, then head in to the studio with Sundari later today. Class starts at 6pm.
Hope you have a great Thursday. Oh, fishing was great! Animal sightings? Bald Eagle -- magnificent, and he was as curious about us as we were him.

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Leslie Salmon Leslie Salmon


Sunday, it was an owl serenade as they kept us company. Monday, a moose (HUGE!) wandered into our yard. Tuesday, we were surrounded by buffalo - literally (but, we were in a car; which - to be honest - is not much comfort when one of those looks in the window at you).

I wonder what today will bring.
We are on vacation at our home in Idaho (Driggs, to be exact). Day 4 of 7, in a quiet house surrounded by fields of wheat (barley? hops?) and potatoes; the Teton River flows to the east of us; a panoramic view of the Teton mountains also further to the east. Great place. Love it. Miss it. (FYI, when living in Salt Lake City, we were able to get up here at least once every 6-8 weeks for a long weekend; now, from San Diego, it's a different story.)
Driggs is a comfortable little town -- one stoplight, but development and improvement are creeping in. It has an airport (I've heard Harrison Ford flies his planes in here, then 'copters' to his home in Jackson.); an up-and-coming golf course and resort (some of staff comes from the Del Mar Country Club in San Diego); a wonderful yoga studio, YogaTejas (www.yogatejas.com), owned by 2 Certified Anusara® yoga instructors - Cate Stillman and Bridget Lyons; a reasonable grocery store -- what more could one want? Oh, I forgot to mention the GREAT gift store run by Gooch - sister of . . . (I'm waiting for you to guess). Gooch is Primo Lombardi's sister - what a small world! (If you don't know Primo, he is a Certified Anusara® Yoga Instructor, who shares his teaching in workshops co-taught with Peter Goodman (aka 'THE BLISS BROTHERS').)
In fact, I took a class at YogaTejas on Monday (see yesterday's post). And, I'll film another video there on Thursday night - a free community class beginning at 6pm. When you say 'community class', one might worry about who would wander in. However, in this town, everyone who practices yoga has had an opportunity to study with many of the great ones from our Anusara® community. The studio was built and owned by Sundari for many years; Cate Stillman and Bridget Lyons bought it in 2007. During these years, I've made special trips up to attend workshops presented by Desiree Rumbaugh and Noah Maze (to name a couple). Lots of good teaching going on here.
I am pleased and flattered to be able to offer the class; another example of the communities of Anusara® supporting one another. Where else could you go to have a teacher from the Inland Empire Anusara® Kula teaching students of the Driggs Anusara® Kula; AND have students from the Jackson, Wyoming, Anusara® Kula making a 'road trip' to attend. Good stuff; I am so grateful.
Hope you have a good Wednesday; I'm going fishing!

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Leslie Salmon Leslie Salmon


Each time I experience an Anusara® yoga teacher who has recently become Certified, I see such transformation. In each case, the instructor is more confident, creative, energetic, just plain GOOD!

I saw it again, yesterday, when I attended Bridget Lyons class at YogaTejas. Strong teaching, creative teaching, fun teaching. Bridget first came to my attention when she purchased YogaTejas, along with Cate Stillman, in 2007. Like me, she stepped into studio ownership with little if any teaching experience. She's moved quickly along the path, becoming Certified in 2010.
Yesterday's class was all about 'watery' hips. Seems a bit of an oxymoron, if you ask me. My hips have never been referred to as 'watery' -- more like sticky dry. Bridget's analogies were creative, the sequence opened and offered space for the hips to really move, and it was fun. I also had an opportunity to watch her skillfully offer individual attention throughout the room. I left feeling good.
We are always growing, even after we become Certified. Good to know -- I am loving this learning and growing part.
Short post - busy day. Hope you have a great Tuesday.

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Leslie Salmon Leslie Salmon


We have a new car -- yes, another one. We are the people who are always excited to try the next, newer model. I'm not talking expensive cars, here, tho we have had a few I would have classified as 'expensive'. These days, we look for function, style, then we go to the price; if it's too much, we walk away. What's too much? Well, let's just say our newest member of the garage is a (drumroll, please) bright red Jetta Volkswagon (a station wagon version).

I have never owned (or driven) a red car. When I saw it at the dealership, first thought -- 'it's cute'. When I got in to drive it, the red exterior framed my vision of the road. But, Howard (husband) liked it and the only other option was black at the moment - definitely, no. And, after all, this was a 'spur of the moment purchase'. No waiting, or we might not get it. So, red it must be and is.
Maybe you have driven a red car and know what it feels like. To me, it feels a bit conspicuous at times. I look at other silver, white, tan, etc., autos, being drive by like-aged individuals, and I do wonder 'what am I doing in a red car'? I suppose you might say 'something you've never done before'. It's another growth opportunity, another chance to step out of the comfort zone of conforming to mine and other's expectations.
I must say - before you think otherwise - I am loving the car. Its 'redness' and all. It's fun to drive -- a peppy, yet sturdy, little vehicle that goes from point A to B with no complaints. It has many of the 'bells and whistles' of more expensive models. It has a great radio, my Broadway tunes come in clear at times I'm not listening to my favorite DJ's here in San Diego (Jeff & Jer, 96.5 FM).
What's the best part? So far, I am thrilled to be able to park in the specially-marked spots at the Fallbrook Library, designated for 'energy efficient vehicles'. (This little red car is a diesel, after all! 40+ miles to the gallon. Yes!)
It's a keeper, despite its 'redness'.
After Wednesday, the week calmed. Sundari went to stay with other San Diego friends Wednesday night. I taught 3 classes on Thursday, armed with the knowledge that it's o.k. to step out of the box (or 'off the leash', as she put it). Friday was spent in the yard, running a couple errands (in the white car, this time), and enjoying a fun dinner with Derek (son), Jessie (daughter-in-law), and the grand-dudes - Jack, Brady and Carson.
Have a great Saturday!
(p.s. This has been one of those posts that has nothing to do with yoga.)

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Leslie Salmon Leslie Salmon


It's been two weeks of significant teaching feedback for me.

First, there was my video class. A good opportunity for me, teaching a group of well-schooled yoga students in a beautiful studio. Feedback to self: not the video to send in. I knew this before I ever watched it. Why? There was just a 'not right' feeling about how I taught the class. A few unsettling things happened at the start of class; I placed myself in an awkward spot (thinking it would be the best spot); and I knew I hadn't served everyone from my highest capability.
I pondered this for 6 days, delayed watching the video. Sundari came to town, offered to watch it with me; which we did on Sunday. We laughed, I grimaced, puzzled looks crossed her face on a few occasions. In the end, her assessment was the same as mine -- not the video to submit. Good teaching, for me, however, as she reviewed the positives and the not-so-positives. She also was generous enough to offer pointers to improve the next one.
Tuesday, we drove into Carlsbad for my 10:30 class, which Sundari planned to attend. Small class; in fact, only one person arrived. New to the studio, about my age, worried she wasn't dressed 'right', and - she admitted - a bit discouraged with her level of physical activity lately. She also noted that she had tried yoga several times, only to leave with a sore neck. We talked. She stayed. Sundari, the new student and I began the class.
When finished, student expressed appreciation and said she'd be back. Her reaction to the class was positive, I saw awareness blossom as she tried a few new things, and she exclaimed on more than one occasion that she had not received the level of explanation before that I had given her -- good stuff.
Sundari and I went to lunch. During that short lunch, I got more than I bargained for (perhaps, to be honest, even wanted). A gift, Sundari began -- this student was a gift. She will teach me so much about my teaching and I need to embrace that. (I agree.) She went on to explain how she might have worked with this student -- pointing out helpful things and not-so-helpful things for a student struggling with a flat neck and a heel spur. I may have heard it before, but had forgotten that there is a connection between the two -- people who have flat necks may develop heel spurs. The feedback was a bit sobering -- not that I did anything really wrong, but that she saw I could have done so much more!. Her role at lunch was to cheerlead and not by telling me how great I had done (false praise), but by telling me how much more I could do. At one point, she said: 'you need to take off the leash, get out of your head, get on your mat, feel your body, then teach from what you have learned from your time on the mat by yourself, feeling the impact of the practice on your body'. Ouch, in a good way.
On to Temecula, where I teach an afternoon Therapeutics/Gentle Class. 4 in the room - 2 with neck issues, one with a need to relax, and Sundari. I was under the gun, so to speak. Remembering what Sundari had said at lunch, I approached the class differently. As she had done for Saturday's workshop, we began in savasana, then went to the wall for shoulder and leg work, returned to the mat for some standing and balance poses. Emphasis - legs and muscular energy; from that extending up through the crown of the head. To the floor, a few twists. Then, using a folded blanket, we moved through two pranayama exercises (don't like that word - exercise, but lacking any other right now). Savasana.
Tea and discussion with one of the students after class. Then the drive home. Anticipating feedback. "Better", she said, "better."
I was relieved, and it felt good to change it up a bit; to look at these students with a fresh eye, and to teach them from the perspective of what would help them, not just from a template of what people expect. Different, and better.
Ahhh, feedback -- gotta receive and accept it; gotta love it; it is a good thing.
Next video opportunity? Next week. All positive vibes will be welcome!
Hope you have a great Wednesday.

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Leslie Salmon Leslie Salmon


"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr. Seuss

Nice. Love it. Even posted my love for this quote on Facebook. It reminded me of my students yesterday.
My one-hour class at the Fallbrook Library is clicking right along. I had 9 the first week; 4 of those returned the second week; the other 4 returned yesterday (third week). I view this as a good sign -- everyone (except one) returning for another class -- just not at the same time. Still a positive. I'm on the schedule for the Fall in this same time slot -- looking for more and more as word gets out.
My alignment emphasis in yesterday's Library class was muscular energy (some of the sequence borrowed from Noah's 60-minute class on YogaGlo - same emphasis). With 4 in the room, it's easy to keep track of what everyone is doing, offer enhancements, even get down next to a student and do a pose where there is a language barrier. One student in particular, no language barrier, kept smiling and laughing softly.
I could take this one of two ways. The old Leslie might have been offended -- assuming she was laughing at my verbiage or, worse, my teaching. The new Leslie looks at this as a compliment. I choose to believe that she was truly enjoying the class, happy to be in the room, moving her body, with people who have a like-minded desire. That's what I choose to believe and I'm sticking to it! Because I believe it to be true. That's why I smile and laugh in a yoga class. Because I am happy to be there.
Oh sure, the first few minutes my muscles might ache, I wonder why I bothered, I worry I'm too 'something' to be there. But, as I move, these negative thoughts go away, and I'm left to move without thinking too much. Afterwards, I feel good. Glad I stuck it out. Proud of myself, even.
When my 4 students lifted their hips in eka hasta bhujasana, there were smiles around the room. No matter how high the hips went (or, even if they got off the ground), simply making the effort brought a level of joy into the room. I wonder when or if any of them had ever tried to get their leg on top of their shoulder!?!?! Fun stuff. I smiled, too.
Today? Teaching in Carlsbad, 10:30 am, Intro to Anusara Class; then to Temecula for my 2pm Therapeutic/Gentle Class.
Hope your Tuesday is great!
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Leslie Salmon Leslie Salmon


Friday, my good friend and mentor - Sundari - arrived in Fallbrook.

Actually, she arrived in San Diego, took the Coaster (a commuter train that runs up the coastline) to Oceanside, where I picked her up. It is so good to see her after several months (and, that was a brief 2 hours). This is planned to be a longer visit.
What have (will) we done (do)? Well, yesterday afternoon was spent at Living Yoga in Temecula, where Sundari offered a 4-hour mini-workshop on therapeutics to us (fellow instructors and students). I was blanketed in remembrance as she began to speak -- such a voice, such great verbiage. I can strive to speak like that, not identically, but still so inspiringly. Then, there were the cues she offered -- memories of classes/times past. The overall tempo of the session was soft (not easy, but soft); using our breath and our inner voice to access the desired movement.
We began with the pelvis, hips and thighs -- Sundari skillfully took us through the anatomy and into the importance of thighs back, seated in hip socket. After this portion, I now have a new tool that offers me a clear sense of inner spiral of the back leg in poses like parsvakonasana, pidgeon, etc. AND, of outer spiral of the front leg. Great psoas work, healthy psoas work. When done, I was almost able to straighten my leg (with hand to foot) in supta padangusthasana AND keep the leg on the floor rooted and strong. Progress in a pose I thought may always require a strap; maybe not (YES!).
Moving on, shoulders, upper back, neck. All good work and valuable to me, posture-wise, and as I work with students.
How was this work received by those attending. One example: Andrea (studio owner), attended and noted in the beginning that she needed to leave at 4:30 (30 minutes early). At 4:45, she was still in the room and Sundari generously reminded her that her departure time had passed. The response? "I know; I don't want to leave." Nice.
Then, each person had questions after the end of our session; we left Temecula at 6 (it was still almost 100 degrees there), drove back to Fallbrook and enjoyed a bit (maybe a lot) of Mexican food on the patio of a local restaurant.
Today? Watching the video together -- will get her input before sending it to Sarah, my Certification reviewer. I am not averse to doing another one if this is not the right video. Then a drive to the beach, where we plan to walk and enjoy the ocean. Maybe lunch somewhere.
Hope your Sunday is a great one!

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Leslie Salmon Leslie Salmon


My therapeutic / gentle yoga class is a great forum to experience motivation and it can also be a place to watch a quick decline in motivation. My job just got tougher as the teacher. Huh?

Yesterday's class included 4 students -- H (fibromyalgia), A (recovering from car accident injuries, including a broken neck), C (recently hurt her back, bulging disc, L4-5), and M (similar back issue, but not so recent).
Students arrive in class appearing motivated and ready to work on their 'issues'. Often, tho, when faced with movement, movement that might create discomfort (fear working its magic), their motivation fizzles. Imagine a candle struggling to light, but being overwhelmed by the wax at the base of the wick -- sputtering, needing a bit of coaxing, like that -- this is my analogy to struggling motivation, at this stage.
I think this is especially true for students with back issues -- the pain can/is so severe that to risk re-injuring or re-creating that pain is a prospect they will avoid at all costs. I don't blame them - I have hurt my back and I know how much it hurt; fortunately, mine lasted only 2-3 days (yoga's benefits?). And, my experience in yoga made me well-prepared to return to my practice with a full toolbox of ideas/things to do to further strengthen the core and avoid future 'stuff'. The students coming to this class are often new to yoga, haven't seen the magic happen with a dedicated practice, and are - sometimes - so fearful they will give up at the least little muscle tug in the back.
Yesterday, I worried this was happening for one student -- she began enthusiastically, realized her arms were sore and tired (her explanation: lack of activity because of the back injury), a couple times I heard the comment - 'I better stop now, or I won't come back'. At that point, I began to slow the movement for everyone; we switched gears to restorative mode and I set everyone up in some enjoyable supported poses. The next 30 minutes, students simply focused on their breath, allowing the bolsters, blankets and blocks to support their bodies.
Class over, everyone appeared relaxed and refreshed. I heard everyone say 'see you next week'. I hope so.
Hope you have a great Wednesday,

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Leslie Salmon Leslie Salmon

IT'S A WRAP . . . (I hope)

The video class happened. I had many fears and misgivings about this one; which was a new experience for me -- previously, video'ing didn't make me nervous (I didn't like watching the finished product, however.). What was I nervous about? Here's a short list:

1. My 3-4pm class at the Fallbrook Library would, for some reason, hold me up and I'd get stuck in the Fallbrook traffic (which for a small town can be daunting, especially between 4-6pm)
2. I would escape Fallbrook, only to get to I-15 and see a parking lot. This does happen, not a lot (knock on wood), but it does. Alternate routes are few and feel even slower.
3. I would forget all my well-laid and scripted plans.
4. No one would come to the class.
5. Mid-way through the video, I'd make a HUGE mistake, throw up my arms, have a mini hissy fit, and turn the camera off.
Well, fortunately, none of this happened. I discovered a new route out of Fallbrook - still traffic, but not so heavy. I-15 was moving right along. I didn't forget the sequence, but did improvise the script. 12 people were in class. No HUGE mistakes; a couple missteps, none that would require a 'hissy fit'.
I am not saying that it is a wonderful video. That is yet to be determined -- I have to watch it. My least favorite part, the part where I initially look only at myself, my posture, how I look (vanity). There may be some 'gaffs' in there that will eliminate this video from the running. I hope not. But, I won't know until I watch it (maybe later today).
What I can say about it is that I did carry the theme and alignment emphasis throughout the class. I did look at foundations, enhancing where needed. I laughed a bit (students too, tho quietly). I got one demo in - not sure I was in the best spot of the room, and I forgot to ask them to gather round -- just asked them to watch from their mats. The most remarkable element of the class -- not one chaturanga dandasana. This was a Basic level class, tho many were skilled practitioners; just taught the poses (surya's) without the vinyasa element (chaturanga dandasana, cobra, down dog, second side).
What was my theme? Shradda (trust). I changed up my opening comments to telling students how grateful I was that Ashley had enough trust in me to graciously allow me to teach her class. Wow! Some days themes just fit right in. My heart quality was confidence -- when we trust, we are more confident. My alignment emphasis was shoulder loop. My apex pose was Ustrasana (camel).
It was fun. If I have to do it over, I think I'll feel less nervous -- this hiatus between the previous video and this one has not helped. I really need the camera in the room, reminding me.
Hope your Tuesday is GREAT!

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Leslie Salmon Leslie Salmon


Yes, my second video will be created tomorrow. Am I nervous? Am I worried? Am I whatever? Not really. And, not sure why.

I have video'd a lot -- this is a tip for those of you fearing the video process. It really does get easier the more you do, so video a LOT; even if you do nothing with those videos but erase them. Watch some, tho; this takes practice, as well -- hard to look at ourselves without looking at outfit, posture, mannerisms. It takes a while to just be comfortable watching with an objective eye.
Video'ing for Certification in Anusara® yoga teaching is a BIG deal. It's the final bridge to a long, long stream of work and study. My Certification reviewer has reviewed my plan for the class -- theme, heart quality, apex, alignment focus -- has given me the 'go'. So, I'll 'go'. Tomorrow.
Ashley, who regularly teaches at 5pm on Mondays, has graciously turned over her classroom to me for this video opportunity. Not really an 'invitation' class, but a well-schooled group of people who love Ashley, yet are willing to allow me into the room for this chance to teach them, all the while the video camera will be running.
My plan to supplement my preparation -- write out a list of words (thesaurus comes in VERY handy at these times), so I don't repeat the same instructions/feelings over and over ad nauseum. I also will go back to my reviewer's notes from the one video she has seen and read them again -- I know what she wanted me to improve; I may pick up other 'pearls', previously un-noticed by me. I will do one more run-thru of the entire class -- practicing it myself, guiding myself through the sequence. Still not entirely comfortable with this -- talking to myself (out loud, no less), as I practice, alone. Perhaps it's o.k. to ask a question of myself as I do this? Really role play the experience. This may be the one time it is all right to answer when I'm talking to myself.
I hope to do all this early in the day, today. Then, I will try NOT to think about it too much; at least, until tomorrow afternoon.
Mental note to self: take the camera and all needed paraphernalia.
Wish me luck!

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Leslie Salmon Leslie Salmon


First, let me say, it was a great day for me yesterday -- both of my classes were well attended and my teaching felt confident and energetic.

This is in contrast to Monday, when my practice had a bit of a 'struggle-edge' to it (huh?). I am hopeful this corresponds to the fact that I am recovering from the surprise cold I've been dealing with -- two weeks ago, a mild sore throat; then, sore throat followed by the cough; then, into hiding (the cold); until my plane landed in Spokane for my visit with my parents -- then all 'heck' broke lose -- sneezing, nose running, stuffy for 3 days -- so pleasant!

On the mend, I went to class Monday, but felt 'weary' -- no oomph in my get-along, if you know what I mean. I did feel better at the end of the class I participated in, but I was not pleased with my energy level.
Now, to the topic referenced in the title.
My Tuesday afternoon class is attended by students struggling with 'stuff', and is titled "Therapeutic/Gentle Yoga". Whoever shows, gets a practice that I modify to whatever they are dealing with and - hopefully - gives them some insight to finding stability, more movement, less discomfort, etc. I believe I have a knack for working with this population; and I am very aware and thankful of the information passed to me from my teachers (too many to mention here), and also to the Principles of Alignment that I believe work magic.
Yesterday was no different - 3 students in the room (not a problem if this class is small; in fact, it is probably a good thing). The spectrum of physical abilities and knowledge was what I marvel at this morning. K, with a bit of back pain (and who has been in before with regards to his hamstrings - remember '5 Minutes'?); H, suffering from generalized fibromyalgia (meaning it affects the whole body); and D, with a problematic shoulder. While each had a valid reason for being in the class, each also possesses a different level of yoga expertise. This, in itself, could be daunting.
I dove in; laughing at my jokes (very important), trying to offer variations that would challenge, but not over-challenge, observing the outcome - asking for feedback (because otherwise, people tend to be very quiet during yoga class, and - in this setting - feedback is critical; I need to know if they are feeling what I am conveying and also what the result of that is - does it feel good, or hurt, or feel manageable, like that). So, the class becomes a conversation and - hopefully - no one is too shy to share -- which, in this group, was not a problem.
Three people, two of whom had met in passing at other classes, thrown together in my class to work on different issues; all with different levels of yoga expertise. Interesting! And. Fun. Loved. It.
Have a great Wednesday!
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Leslie Salmon Leslie Salmon


Readers who have attended one of John Friend's workshops or trainings know this phrase well. "Full stretch!" is heard several times during a class, especially the morning sessions when standing poses are the emphasis.

Funny how I find those phrases working their way into my vocabulary, as well. Think about it, tho. What better way to get my students to max out their stretching potential than a well-modulated "full stretch!".
Sometimes, tho -- and this will depend on the students' interpretation or my lack of modulation -- it falls flat. I say it. I look into the room. What do I see? Floppy fingers, bent elbows, hands in front plane of body, side body 'short' -- not the things a 'full stretch' is made of. Now, you wonder, where is she headed with all this?
Yesterday, I began a new class -- a volunteer teaching opportunity at the Fallbrook Library. A brand new one-hour class of students new to me, in a strange place. Of the nine students in the room, only 4 had yoga experience (and just one of those had practiced over a period of time; everyone else had limited prior experience). This would be the type of environment to be prepared for the floppy finger'd, bent elbow'd, side body 'short' example of 'full stretch'.
But NO -- it didn't happen. Everyone in that room, from the 12-year-old to the 60-year-old (guessing at exact years), stretched FULLY -- applying great muscular energy in response to my request (command?) of 'full stretch!'. My theme? Courage; Why? it takes courage to try something new (there's that risk of failure or feeling out of place).
Once set up with a firm foundation and heart's lifted, the 'full stretch!' was just these student's next step on our courage journey.
Nine students for a brand-new class and a 'full stretch!' -- be still my heart!
From this class, I jetted (drove, actually) up to Temecula for a 5pm class (this is the class I will teach in the next couple weeks for my second video). I was torn between this class and attending the Beach Party Anusara® Birthday Celebration with John Friend and the local Anusara Kula. Instead, I felt making my presence known was important for this group of students -- after all, I need six people in the room when filming. Choices. Gotta love/hate 'em. There will be other opportunities for 'beach celebrations'.
Today? Teaching in Carlsbad (10:30 am Intro class at Carlsbad Wellness); then in Temecula (2 pm Therapeutic/Gentle Class at Living Yoga). I'll be 'full stretching' right along with them!
Have a great Tuesday,

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Leslie Salmon Leslie Salmon


I think I did. And, it just goes to show you that if you think about it enough, it just may come round to let you experience it -- expansion, that is.

And, what you ask, am I expanding into? Teaching a demographic (right word?) of students new to me -- the student who is pregnant, has just delivered her baby, or - maybe - wants to be in one of those categories.
I have avoided this demographic for the 8+ years I have taught yoga. Why? Not sure - I guess, to be honest, it makes me a bit nervous. Perhaps because I feel responsible for the student standing in front of me, AND for her unborn child growing sight-unseen to me.
And, what has avoiding this demographic done for my skills in teaching them? Not much. I now must spend the next few weeks studying appropriate poses, how to adapt to different levels of pregnancy or post-pregnancy, and - as importantly - make everyone feel as though what they have done in class is a good and heart-felt experience.
So, after contracting back into avoidance for 8+ years, it's time for a bit of expansion; seems to be a theme here, doesn't there? I will assume the prenatal class in mid-September; if I don't procrastinate, I should have time to become book-ready to teach the class and will have practiced my teaching some.
In the interim, I also will begin a new class next week in my own neighborhood of Fallbrook -- a class for whoever shows at the Fallbrook Library. I'm anxious to do this, to teach in my own neck of the woods and to offer Anusara® yoga to the community. It will, however, be interesting to see who shows for a 3pm class (60 minutes) class. I may end up with a class of adults, teens and pre-teens, or both. Add onto that, their yoga experience and any physical limitations (thinking of the adults, here), I could be looking at a most excellent teaching adventure.
Preparation time! Enjoy your Saturday!

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Leslie Salmon Leslie Salmon


I planned a 'mini-workshop' (called it an Expansion Class) for yesterday afternoon.

Granted, Sunday afternoons are a hard sell -- everyone enjoying the final weekend (at least, here) before school registrations begin; or, just staying inside, avoiding the heat. But, I decided to go for it, anyway -- these are things I must do to get out of my 'comfort' zone from time to time.
My topic? 'Re-Muster Your Power'. Why? The word 'power' keeps popping into my field of awareness lately. Like, in every book I pick up, many of the quotes I'm reading, and the discussions I've been involved in. Not 'power' like strength or vigor, but 'power' as in ability, capacity, potential, confidence -- like that.
Why 'Re-Muster'? Mainly because I was tired of using the word remember; but look up the word 'muster' and you'll find a definition of 'to assemble'. Which, I think is what we have to do; we have to 'assemble' all of our skills in order to re-claim some. And, the 'Re-' part? well, many of us had all those skills assembled at one time in our lives (maybe during childhood), and we've camouflaged, concealed, hidden, or simply forgot, them as we grew to adulthood. Now we are busy taking care of children, working, doing the things we think we 'should' do; 'power' got set aside as we moved into this stage of our lives.
The Universe threw me a challenge. Earlier in the week, I started with a sore throat, that expanded to a feeling like a rock in my lungs, which escalated to a cough that was in full bloom by Sunday. Fun to try to talk, throat tickling, coughing like a person who has smoked one too many cigarettes (BTW, I've never smoked).
Well, there was no way out -- I had to do it; so I prepared, gathered my materials, made my way to the studio, placed my seat with Hanuman at my side. Then I waited for the crowd to arrive for this expansion class, scheduled to being at 1pm. At 12:58pm, in walked one student; at 1pm - on the dot - in walked the second.
Sometimes, things are perfect; this was perfect. Both students were struggling with issues - physical and emotional. The last thing either needed was a 'kick-butt' 2-hour yoga class; and the last thing I could teach effectively, considering my cough, was such a class. Instead, we talked, we shared thoughts about 'power' in our lives, we did move - but it wasn't the backbend class I'd planned -- instead we opened all parts, then spent time in a restorative pose, pranayama, and meditation.
Expansion Classes will become part of my repertoire -- interesting that, during the Wanderlust experience, one of the philosophy scholars noted that almost every expansion (growth) we've experienced has come out of a period of contraction (tightness, dwindling, small). If we look back at our individual history's, that becomes evident. Maybe that will be my next topic!?!??!
Have a great Monday!

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