I can be grateful for the smallest events as well as the very exciting ones!
I begin my Friday Fundamentals class (and my Tuesday Gentle Yoga class) with observation of the breath followed by a moment when each of us offers ourselves a silent note of gratitude for showing up. I then ask people to insert anything else that they are grateful for. Again, this is done silently, to ourselves.
This morning, I couldn’t contain myself. I had to share my additional gratitude thoughts, which were:
Two of my 3 local grandsons, ages 15 & 17, play on the same school Lacrosse team. Last night I was able to get away with husband to attend the game. SO exciting! The boys’ school won the game, with 3 goals contributed by my Grandsons!!! Everyone was as much or more excited than me, but watching them play made my heart sing.
I have begun the third (of 8) classes in my online Integrative Nutrition course. This class has a different instructor so, while much is the same, there are nuances to adapt to. Again, for 11 weeks, each week’s homework is due that Sunday night by 11:59pm. This morning, I completed the homework, including a quiz — 3 questions, 3 correct answers. Yeah me!
Finally, be still my heart — there were 21 students who chose to attend my Fundamentals class this morning. That number hasn’t been achieved (by me) since pre-Covid. A great group - fun to teach and to learn from.
I’m now at my office waiting for 3 afternoon appointments (12:30, 2:45 and 4pm), then it’s on to have pictures taken. I will be extremely grateful if my hair holds out until then.
I often tell students of the young man I know who shifted his journalling from re-counting the days activities (the good and the not-so-good) to writing about the events that brought him joy and gratitude. And, I don’t think I could write about a BIG gratitude event each day. However, I know I could write about asking everyone to offer a ‘full stretch’ (thank you, John F.) and watching them give it to me. Little things can offer joy as much as the big ones.
Enjoy your weekend. In San Diego County it is supposed to rain (torrential, according to the Weather Service), which will put a damper on Easter Egg hunts around the city — unless the Weather Service is wrong.
No matter what you do this weekend, insert a note of gratitude, please and thank you!
When I became Certified as a Yoga Therapist, I agreed to remain within a ‘scope of practice’. This scope offers me opportunities to work with clients as they heal from injuries, trauma, chronic disease, and as they create a ‘new normal’ as a result of these challenges. I use the tools of yoga to do this - breath work, movement, meditation.
This ‘scope’ keeps me within the lines of my training at Loyola Marymount in Los Angeles.
Over the past months, I’ve been asked by several people about weight loss and general nutritional fitness. As a result, I’ve pondered ‘what next’? I considered Ayurveda, which I love and personally try to follow. I also am aware that many of the clients who visit with me have little knowledge of yoga, much less another Eastern philosophy such as Ayurveda (the sister science to yoga). That led me to think that some knowledge of Western nutrition would be of value — but where?
Then, thanks to Facebook, a Certificate program (I love Certificates) popped up offered by UCSD (Univ. of California, San Diego). The program is one year in length (but can be completed in 5 years - that ought to have been an ominous clue as to what I was signing up for, right?) and is offered online.
So, another learning curve begins.
For a Yoga Therapist and Yoga Teacher at 73, almost 74, years of age, the technology knowledge needed for this course is a bit daunting. There is a book, and there are online short lectures. There are also assignments, quizzes, discussion to be done - with a date deadline that is unforgiving. I’m not complaining, but it is a lot.
The other day I told Howard (husband) that this class work could turn into a full-time job, to which he said “you could drop it” (the course). No way! In 10 days, I have spent hours reading, entering data to create reports, taking 2 quizzes with 2 more due by Sunday night (11:59pm), watching video lectures, writing my thoughts in response to the Instructor’s questions/comments and then reading and commenting on my classmates’ thoughts - all required.
Wish me luck!
And, if nothing else, I’ll learn things of value for my and my husband’s lives. I do hope, though, that this added knowledge is helpful for those who seek me out.