Yes, in Fallbrook, enjoying my early morning quiet time -- time to sit, time to have a cup of coffee, time to write, and time to contemplate the rest of this day.

I apologize for not posting during the remaining 2 days of the Inspired Gathering at Wanderlust; just too much to do every day (beginning at 7 am and concluding at 6 pm). Early mornings (5 am) were dedicated to quiet time, a bit of computer work, and getting ready for the day. By the end of the day, my greatest desire was to sit, contemplate, and sleep. The time in between went like this:

7 am Meditation / Pranayama with John Friend
9 am 90-Minute Yoga Class, also with John
11 am Roundtable Philosophy Discussion with John,
Christopher Tompkins, Eric Shaw, and Hareesh Wallis
Noon Lunch
2-4 pm Breakout sessions (sequencing, theming/languaging,
adjustments, or therapeutics)
4:30 Philosophy with Hareesh (Mon), Eric (Tues), Christopher (Weds)
The campus for this curriculum is a cluster of hotels, restaurants, and retail businesses called The Village at Squaw. It rests at the bottom of great ski mountains, and is surrounded on one side by needed parking lots; on the other by open space leading to the base of several ski runs. On this open side, was located our 'school' - a cluster of tents, bamboo structures, artists' displays. I'm telling you this because, in three days of schlepping bag, blanket, hat, mat, whatever, back and forth -- we not only exercised our minds, but our bodies got a good feeling for being a bellman in a hotel. Enough on that.
As I mentioned on Monday, the camaraderie was EXCEPTIONAL. Everyone so grateful to be together in this first gathering of Anusara-Inspired™ instructors, and so appreciative of the learning opportunities presented to us during the 3 days.
My learning opportunities took a slight detour during the time at the gathering. I had planned a diverse curriculum; however, Monday's session on sequencing left me yearning for more on this topic, so I continued on that vein. Monday was with Denise Benitez; Tuesday, Christina Sell; and Wednesday, Noah Maze. All exceptional instructors and all with their own styles of teaching (and sequencing). Interesting that there was no repetition of information -- Denise offered a sampling of her method and her knowledge in a discussion format; Christina offered us a hands-on, teach-by-example sequencing class, with us the students and her the teacher (duh!), then gave us some opportunity to ask questions; Noah got out his big paper and easel, showing us the method he uses when sequencing, peppered with some teaching examples which we acted out. From each I took nuggets of information to add to my 'toolbag'.
I also had opportunities to connect and re-connect with friends old and new. And, as I mentioned on Monday, I did carry out my intention -- introducing myself whenever I found myself in awkward silence with another instructor not yet known to me; or starting up conversations with people I had met in the past, but - perhaps - didn't know very well. There also were opportunities to approach instructors who I've admired from a distance and actually talk to them! (That's stepping out of my comfort zone for sure.)
We drove all night on Wednesday to get home early on Thursday. 2 hours of sleep does not make for a very social or invigorated Leslie, so I rested most of the day yesterday. Then, it was in to Carlsbad for dinner with the Grand-Dudes and their parents. A wonderful way to end the day.
Things go back to regular schedule now. Teaching, studying, and video'ing (yes, I am ready to do another video). That's another blog topic.
Hope you have a great Friday! My mantra for this (and future) days:

(compliments of the Wallis, Tompkins and Shaw)


