Yesterday I received my Christmas present early.  This is practically unheard of in our home -- we never give or open gifts early, it's a matter of our Christmas tradition. 

But, this is a year of change, I guess -- as I sat working on my laptop yesterday a.m. (cursing a bit as it slowly moved through its motions), Howard walked out and asked if I would be upset if my Christmas gift arrived early.  "Of course not", I replied.  And, voila!, he walked out with a small box and bag containing a Macbook Pro!!!

Wow!  Totally blown away.  I had considered asking for a new laptop, but thought it extravagant; after all, I was dealing with the 'slowness', and it was working, eventually.  I had also (secretly) been watching Mac users with some envy -- they all seem to fly around their keyboards, using multiple screens, have music, etc., etc., etc. 

Now I have one - a Mac.  And, now I have ANOTHER challenge.  To become a 'switcher' (I think that's the word the author of MacBook for Dummies gives people like me.).  That same author says we are VERY intelligent people -- that's a good thing. 

So, down to the Apple store with both computers in hand (to transfer data); will pick them up today and get a short intro.  My very generous husband also purchased tutorials and support -- so, lots of help for this challenge. 

This is short because I'm using his computer, and he needs to get to work on it. 

Exciting days ahead,



SHOVELING AND FEELING MY ARMS - Could that be the blessing of this challenge?