Gearing up for the Ayurvedic cleanse, which begins Sunday (actually, Monday is the first official day, but on Sunday we should be fasting for that one day -- clearing out the digestive tract for Monday).

This cleanse will last 7 days, and the more I think about it, the more confident I feel.

I have, however, failed to adequately eliminate coffee at this point. A lot of stuff going on this week, and I am not inclined to give up my one 'vice' today. Tomorrow.

Cate has done a good job of providing us with materials we will need -- including pre-cleanse guidelines and information for us 'first-timers', then cleanse guidelines, and recipes.

I've made my list of maladies, concerns, things going on in my body and life -- one of our homework assignments. Have come up with 12 broad things, so far. I say broad, because many encompass 2-3 symptoms. Then we rank these. This is only for our own reference, so that - after the cleanse - we can see what, if any, differences there are.

Some of what I've written may seem repetition from an earlier blog. That reflects #2 on my list of maladies -- memory 'sucks'.

Have a nice Friday,



SHRI . . .