Minutes of fame, that is.

If you read the local newspaper (SL Tribune), you may see an article titled "Hello, my name is ..." in today's issue (if you're really curious, go to and search Leslie Salmon).

Well, it's about me this week (obviously, duh!). Just a bit of information & background -- some about yoga, some about hobbies/activities, some about my opinions of the community. My one regret -- the comment about the coffee shop (dorky!). Sounds like I spend 90% of my time there and that life, as I know it, will end when Bakers of Normandie moves down the road a bit.

Actually, it won't be as convenient - but, it is only moving about 4-5 blocks away. So, instead of walking across the street, I may want to stop in as I drive past (which I will do almost every day - drive that direction, that is). The positive -- no more easy access to great pastries.

The negative -- no more walking across on a lazy weekday morning and enjoying the elderly gentlemen (5-6 of them) sitting in the corner, eating pastries, drinking coffee (or tea or water), and playing their harmonicas. They even sing once in a while. I will miss easy access to their great entertainment and free spirit (who else would sit in a coffee shop and play their harmonicas!).

Subbing a lot this week - too much, maybe. But, it is good for me to get out there and teach. Good to see new faces and good to step out of my comfort zone.

I was so excited yesterday when 10 (read it, TEN) came to my Gentle Yoga class (a class for those new, a bit out of shape, or with physical conditions requiring a some extra attention). And, even more fun to watch the regular 5 welcome the newer 5 -- introductions all around, talking, re-newing acquaintances. I thought I maybe should serve tea and hold a chatfest; instead, we did yoga.

Enjoy your day,

