Leslie Salmon Yoga & Therapeutics

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Well, this party's almost over. Today's the last day of the 5-day Teacher's Intensive training. We'll work from 9-1 today, then we're done. I will stay for the weekend workshop, where emphasis will be experiencing John as he teaches -- watching the master.

This week has been a transition for many of us; moving from the technical aspects of teaching to the languaging. Purpose: To connect with each student, on a higher level than just the physical. That doesn't mean preaching; it's more guiding them to see a better picture of themselves (and ourselves). It's a challenge, because I can get pretty technical in my teaching. I'm a pretty black & white kind of person.

We didn't practice much yesterday -- lots of listening, note-taking, demos, teaching each other (I guess you can call those activities 'practice'; but not practice like we're used to). We did, however, do a few poses towards the end of the day. (I now have a longer list of poses to work on.) As John taught one pose, he stayed in front of me - walking back and forth 5-10 students on either side - and his repeated message was that we have to let go sometimes and just move.

One of the teachings yesterday was the qualities of a great yoga teacher. Most of us have heard this, but - as a reminder - they are:
  1. Studentship -- the teacher is always a student
  2. Humility -- remember the source of our knowledge
  3. Trustworthiness - do not waver in the conviction to serve students
  4. Empathetic - sensitive to the feelings of students
  5. Aspire to excellence - a desire to get better & better as teachers (and students)
  6. Agility of mind - ability to assimilate and process information quickly; then communicate just as quickly

Though there were 139 other students in the room, as John paced in front of me, he appropriately placed emphasis on #6. Maybe someone else was behaving similarly, but just maybe he was addressing my limitations, my tendency to hold back, and - knowing me - decided I need a gentle prod to 'kick it up'. If it was intended for me -- message received.

Enjoy your Friday,