"Let no feeling of discouragement prey upon you, and in the end you are sure to succeed."- Abraham Lincoln

In these current political times, not only is this quote pc (politically correct) because of President Obama's reverance for Lincoln; it will ALWAYS be appropriate as we move through our trainings, evaluations, or just as we sit and think about our future.

We have made the decision to become Anusara-Inspired™ yoga instructors. For most of us that means our next goal will be to apply for Anusara™ Certification. That sets us on a path fraught with potential pitfalls, discouraging moments, and times when we just don't know what to do next -- even tho it's all on the website.

One of my frequent emotions is feeling alone in all this. (Surrounded by a kula, and feeling alone, you ask?) Perhaps that happens because I protect my knowledge -- almost like, if I share it - I lose my advantage. There, I've said it -- competition has entered the process.

Shouldn't be that way, you're thinking. I agree. But, I don't think I'm alone. We're human, we have that capacity in our make-up. The important thing to remember is that we've started on this path to help other people learn and enjoy yoga. My goals should always be to promote the welfare of the student. If that means sharing info., referring a student to another instructor, promoting a workshop at another studio, helping another studio owner, attending classes at another studio -- so be it. I do most of that, but I have my weak, protective (selfish) moments. I'm human.

I'd be interested in thoughts.

Enjoy your day,

p.s. Two more urdhva dhanurasana's today!

