“What good is warmth without cold to give it sweetness?”

"You only truly, deeply appreciate and are grateful for something when you compare and contrast it to something worse.” This quote plus the title are offered by John Steinbeck.

For me, it says volumes about how I view my life situations — as in, can I find the good in a situation?

I’ve become especially aware of this as I work longer in the role of a Yoga Therapist.

My biggest challenge in my health (so far) is tinnitus. From the Mayo Clinic:

Tinnitus is most often described as a ringing in the ears, even though no external sound is present. However, tinnitus can also cause other types of phantom noises in your ears, including:

  • Buzzing

  • Roaring

  • Clicking

  • Hissing

  • Humming

Mine is an almost constant buzzing in my ears. Noticeable when I pay attention to it; often, if I am absorbed in activities, it takes a back seat to that activity.

One of my Yoga teachers, Sundari, asked me “have you made friends with it?”. That has taken me a while to understand - make friends with a constant buzzing in my ears!?!?!?

Today, I understand (I think) — I have a choice:

  • I can be absorbed in the buzzing, wishing it gone / fighting it / talking about it / consumed by it, or

  • I can accept it and move along with life.

In this unique position of meeting people who may not show up in my public yoga classes, I may be able to help someone, despite their challenges, find beauty in life and even find some good in the challenge(s) they face.

Mine is a very minor condition compared to some who come into my office. It does, however, remind me that there are choices in how we receive and respond to challenges, as did John Steinbeck’s quote.


