Now that I can officially say I’m published, I feel it simulates my marathon experience. (???)

In my late 40’s, I ran a true Marathon (26 miles along with my husband and a good friend). I enjoy telling people that I came in second — second to last, that is. My husband always says we should do it again so that we will be able to say ‘we run marathons’. I don’t think so.

Besides our ages, the preparation taken to run the marathon literally took months. Each week we would run 6 miles a day and on alternating weekends, we’d up the mileage by two. When we reached 24 miles, we felt ready and signed up to run the Victoria, BC, Marathon. Exactly 26 miles around the island on a crisp October morning. Let’s just say I made it; second to last (in a field of approx. 400 runners), but I did it.

Publishing an article has me looking around for other topics, publications to offer articles to, etc. Writing doesn’t take quite the preparation time, and it’s a whole lot easier to sit and type that to get up and run 12 - 18 - 24 miles on a Saturday.

I’ve also been working with a mentor who tells me to write - write at least once a week in this blog. And, to increase the number of newsletters I send out.

To meet that challenge I’ve been conjuring up topics to write about. I may even go back and update some written in the past and re-post them. I doubt that, if you’re reading this one, you’ve read the ones I wrote 3-5 years ago. Tell me if I’m wrong.

As I’ve written this far about little of importance, I’ll continue on that vein and tell you about my week.

My husband’s Uncle and Aunt arrived late yesterday afternoon for a 4-day visit. There was lots of work to do to prepare for this visit, including housecleaning, laundry, outside clean-up and set up the guest room (buy a new mattress/box spring, side table, lamp, bedding. All the purchases were made online 7 days ago, and all arrived 4 days ago. We also had to sell the trundle bed that had occupied the guest room. It’s a miracle it all came together and we are enjoying their company; and, I hope, they are enjoying the bed.

I also taught 4 public yoga classes during the week. And, at my office, I saw eleven individual clients for Yoga Therapy and/or Yoga Instruction (one hour sessions with follow-up email homework instructions in some cases). Also notable is that I got my first manicure in 15 years on Wednesday!!!

I’m making myself tired just reading and proofing this.

It was a good and productive week and I will sign off on that note.

I hope your day / week / month goes well, also.


