It's been a month . . .

That can be taken a couple of different ways — either it’s been 30 days since I last posted, or one could interpret it as it has been quite the month. Both work in my case.

We returned safely from vacation and I settled back into teaching my 4 public classes each week. I was also pleasantly surprised with the numbers of people who contacted me to work with me individually at my office. In the last 3 weeks of November I averaged more clients per week than in most previous months (in addition to my public classes). That’s quite a month (or 3 weeks)!

Then, there was Thanksgiving. Howard and I remained at home and I cooked an entire turkey dinner, with ALL the trimmings. I must admit I enjoyed every minute of that cooking marathon and even the clean up went smoothly.

The last BIG day (for me) of the month was my Birthday - 74 years. I’m seeing wrinkles and grey hair, but also seeing a strong person underneath it all. I credit yoga, pilates (in the past year), housework and a bit of yard work.

What will December hold? I plan to take one day off besides Christmas. And, the calendar of individuals is filling.

I worried that 2 weeks away in early November would negatively affect bookings. Apparently (knock on wood), it hasn’t had that affect.

So, onward to 2024. I have enrolled in the second class of my Integrative Nutrition Certificate course at UCSD. That starts in early January. The associated book is thicker (?!?!?) than the first, I wonder what that means? I have no regrets, at this point, in starting this new journey. I’ve learned a lot, I’ve been able to accomplish the work and remain calm through most of the modules of the first section.

Again, I’ll give Yoga some credit for helping me remain on a steady keel through some stressful ‘school’ moments.

I hope to write in this blog again before the end of the year. Maybe I’ll be busy or maybe you’ll be too busy to read it. Nevertheless, that is my intention.

If it doesn’t happen, then I wish you a peaceful Holiday and a Happy New Year (in advance).


