Leslie Salmon Yoga & Therapeutics

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"I Did A Thing"

If you are on social media, you see this phrase quite a bit. Perhaps you even hear it in conversation with friends, especially when they are telling you something that will surprise you.

Well, ‘I did a thing’.

Actually, I’ve been trying to do it for a while now, but other things got in my way. So, for a few months I’ve been sitting on this ‘thing’ — worrying, vacillating, planning. Then, I’d go back to the worrying phase, the vacillating phase and now must enter the planning phase. Let’s call it ‘WVP’ from this point forward in this blog post.

I completed my Yoga Teaching Certification in 2013 (it took 11 years of WVP to get to the Anusara Certification). During those years, I completed my initial teacher training, taught at my studio, attended workshops and more trainings, studied, and - of course - WVP’d. It was a great experience, exposing me to many teachers and since - apparently - I wasn’t in a rush, I was able to cultivate my teaching with care.

Once Certified by Anusara Yoga, I continued to teach. I still attended workshops and trainings, though not quite the quantity as before. And, in 2017, I enrolled in the Yoga Therapy Program at Loyola Marymount University (Los Angeles).

Knowing it would give me more education in working with students challenged by injuries and chronic conditions, I happily drove one weekend each month to Los Angeles and spent 14 hours (Saturday & Sunday) in lectures and training. I completed the course in January 2021. And, with completion paper in hand, I applied and was accepted as Certified with the International Association of Yoga Therapists.

Now what?

I truly do love teaching my classes. I’ve come to know the regulars (the people who come to many of the classes I teach) and some who have followed me from place to place in Fallbrook over the years. I also enjoy meeting new-to-me students; and hope they find value in my teaching. With the Certification in Yoga Therapy, I expanded my class load to include one called Therapeutic Yoga. This class is exactly what it says — a class for those new-to-yoga, returning to the practice, challenged by an injury or chronic condition, and/or struggling with stress.


I will open a small office in Bonsall (in the same center as the Post Office and The Bead Gallery). The purpose of this office is to see private yoga and yoga therapy clients and put my education to work.

I’ll watch and hope for your support, and will continue teaching my 4 classes each week at Sage Yoga Studios.

Tentative ‘office opening date’ is July 12; with a ‘Grand Opening’ sometime in August — date to be determined. And, I will keep you all posted.

Your thoughts and ideas for getting the word out are appreciated. Please leave me a comment.

Take care,
