Leslie Salmon Yoga & Therapeutics

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Isn't it interesting that the things that were so troublesome 2-3 days ago seem like vague memories today? I looked at my last post and thought, "well -- that was a 'whine-y' one, wasn't it!"

Today, I am feeling better.  Granted I felt a bit down on Saturday afternoon/evening (just sat in my chair and looked blankly at the ceiling -- poor Howard!).  Sunday was a new day - a message from Sarah (my Certification reviewer, I guess they're called), gave me some good advice and some refinements to consider and include in my homework.  Something to think about other than my experience on Saturday -- which I needed.

We met old friends for brunch, then home for a bit, then off to the 'Grand-Dudes' for a raucous dinner (almost all dinners are raucous at their house -- so different from ours; that's a good shift every so often -- we (H & I) can be very quiet.

Monday morning was spent listening to the beginning of "Yoga for Osteoporosis" - a webcast by Ellen Saltonstall and Dr. L. Fishman.  Wonderful information and I love listening to both of them -- she, calm; he, excited and finishing many comments with 'but that's enough about that' -- like he's reining himself in.  I even got H (that's short for Howard) on the mat in vipariti karani and had him listen to a short portion.  He's (H) ready for more!

Then house stuff, get ready and in to the library.  Another nice group -- with a couple new-to-me students added to the mix. Interesting that I taught uttanasana (standing forward fold) as the peak pose.  3 months ago, I would have never dreamt of doing that; I would have felt that I needed to give them more.  This (uttanasana) is what was needed today; even had them partner and help each other to move further into the pose after warming up a bit.  The poses were beautiful and watching each person help another made it even more rewarding.

Today?  Teaching in Carlsbad, 10:30am; then on to Temecula for the 2pm class (Gentle/Therapeutic) and the Prenatal at 4:30pm.  Driving Day.

Hope your Tuesday goes well,