Leslie Salmon Yoga & Therapeutics

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During the San Francisco Immersion and Weekend Workshop, John's overriding message centered around the 3 aspects of Anusara Yoga that set it apart from other systems.  A reminder, they are:

  1. A philosophy grounded in the Tantric philosophy of intrinsic goodness; looking at the world as an embodiment of the supreme, one heart beating with goodness and joy. 
  2. A system that uses the Universal Principles of Alignment in each asana (Open to Grace, Muscle Energy, Inner/Expanding Spiral, Outer/Contracting Spiral, Organic Extension).
  3. Our kula (community) is inclusive, life-affirming and always evolving.  
We were frequently reminded that the third - our kula and our relationships within it - is key to our ability to affect our students, friends, family, and the communities around us.

I have the ability to help people, I also have the ability to hurt people -- simply with my words.  And - as I found out recently - the words I use don't even need to be negative (in my mind) to cause pain.

For me, John's message came through as "we do not use our voice in negative or hurtful ways".  Good advice.  It also reminded me that I must look at my audience before speaking.  Because what is good for one person, may not resonate with another and may even cause pain or discomfort -- not the desired outcome.  When I consider my audience, I must look at many things -- age, physical make-up, gender, level of practice, sensitivity (if known to me) -- to name a few.  Lots to take into consideration.

Similarly, when it comes to 'gossip', I simply will not engage.  It's not worth it and the energy it creates is negative and harmful, to others and to me.

Teaching 'Everyone's Yoga' at 10 am at Kula (a new class, so we'll see who shows); then YogaHour, 4pm, and Level 1, 5:45pm, at The Yoga Center.

Have a great Thursday,