Yes, wondering what this week will bring, and how I will handle the issues that arose last week.
breathe - surrender (but not too much) - soften.
What happened last week? An up-and-coming instructor resigned to get a 'real' job. The Dept. of Workforce Services is beefing up it's efforts to eliminate the independent contractor status for yoga instructors. A website issue reared its ugly head, as it has every few weeks.
What will happen this week? Who knows.
I do know that it will be a busy week. Subbing a couple classes (including the resigned instructor's), teaching my own classes, attend some classes, more fliers out for Christina's workshop (yes -- there is still space, if you are out there in 'blogland' and would like to attend), then there's the routine studio stuff -- paperwork, bills, data entry.
In all this activity, I feel like I've kind of slipped out of 'student' mode -- don't seem to be reading as much as I should, haven't pushed myself in my practice (I'm sure Chistina will change that), all in all feeling a bit overwhelmed. I re-read last week's favorite blog quote -- 'don't go back to sleep'. I think I'll leave it up for another week -- a good reminder.
Started reading (or re-reading, I should say) Yoga of Discipline last night. A series of transcribed talks by Gurumayi Chidvilisinanda. I probably should be reading something from the Anusara® reading list, but there are times when I need to read something I can relate to immediately, without having to contemplate or meditate upon before even beginning to understand. Not that her writing doesn't require contemplation -- it's different, tho.
On with the day,
What happened last week? An up-and-coming instructor resigned to get a 'real' job. The Dept. of Workforce Services is beefing up it's efforts to eliminate the independent contractor status for yoga instructors. A website issue reared its ugly head, as it has every few weeks.
What will happen this week? Who knows.
I do know that it will be a busy week. Subbing a couple classes (including the resigned instructor's), teaching my own classes, attend some classes, more fliers out for Christina's workshop (yes -- there is still space, if you are out there in 'blogland' and would like to attend), then there's the routine studio stuff -- paperwork, bills, data entry.
In all this activity, I feel like I've kind of slipped out of 'student' mode -- don't seem to be reading as much as I should, haven't pushed myself in my practice (I'm sure Chistina will change that), all in all feeling a bit overwhelmed. I re-read last week's favorite blog quote -- 'don't go back to sleep'. I think I'll leave it up for another week -- a good reminder.
Started reading (or re-reading, I should say) Yoga of Discipline last night. A series of transcribed talks by Gurumayi Chidvilisinanda. I probably should be reading something from the Anusara® reading list, but there are times when I need to read something I can relate to immediately, without having to contemplate or meditate upon before even beginning to understand. Not that her writing doesn't require contemplation -- it's different, tho.
On with the day,