Leslie Salmon Yoga & Therapeutics

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Today is the birthday of my good friend, Judy, who lives in San Diego.

I will spend this post talking a bit about her and our friendship. It was an unlikely match -- the one thing Judy and I had in common when we started running together was that our sons played on the same soccer team. We got to talking at one of those games and decided running together could happen and for the next several years our six-mile runs happened each weekday morning (and some weekends).

It was Judy who introduced me to Pete Egoscue (who, in his training, uses a good deal of yoga-influenced movement). We also ran many 10-k's and half marathons together (we had our own 'merry little band' of runners, at that time-- oatmeal & beer for breakfast after the Coronado Bridge Half Marathon is just one of many fun memories ). Judy also convinced me that we should and could run a Marathon. We did it -- the Victoria, BC, Marathon -- we all finished in reasonably good shape.

Additionally, there were many walks in our neighborhoods, lunches, walks on the beach, and sharing our sons' soccer games.

She expanded my world and I will always be grateful for that.

We are still friends, and there are some days that I'll get a phone message telling me she's walking on the beach and missing me. Wow! Those messages bring tears to my eyes (even as I write this, I'm tearing up).

So, Happy Birthday, friend. Aren't friends wonderful ! ! !