Leslie Salmon Yoga & Therapeutics

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for the workshop in July with Christina Sell. The dates are July 17-19, and I am setting my intention to have the best attendance we've had at a workshop to date. If you do yoga, plan to be in attendance (not just for my sake, but for yours).

And, that includes students -- not just instructors. The belief that workshops are only for instructors seems to be a misconception among the student population at The Yoga Center. Wrong, wrong, wrong!

Workshops are opportunities to work just a bit harder, experience a new instructor, and - probably - have a breakthrough or two during the event.

I remember my first workshop -- Anna Forrest at Centered City (not what you would call a 'relaxed' session). I signed up for Friday evening, thinking that was all I could do (or wanted to do). At the end of the evening, I was hankering for more; so -- lucky for me, someone had cancelled and there was space in Saturday's sessions. I committed to the morning.

At the end of the morning, I was still looking for more; so, I wiggled my way into the afternoon session.

Granted, my yoga expertise at that time was limited. I relied a lot on Anna's assistant to 'show me the ropes'. The valuable things for me to remember are:
  1. I enjoyed it, it was fun,
  2. I did 9 (NINE) hours of yoga in two days, and
  3. I am sure I had a breakthrough or two -- even if one of those 'breakthroughs' was just making it through the 9 hours and still being able to function.
A significant word to describe my yoga experience is 'diksha' -- Sanskrit for threshhold. I've crossed lots of threshholds in the past 10 years; attending that workshop was a BIG one, and so valuable. It opened doors I thought were long closed (or maybe had never been opened).

Enjoy Wednesday,