Leslie Salmon Yoga & Therapeutics

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100 POSTS ! ! !

That hardly seems possible, but it is the number that appeared when I signed in this morning.

As has been a pattern in my life, many efforts start strong and fizzle (we just need to take a look in my knitting closet). For whatever reason, this endeavor has a developed a life of its own -- and now that I've done 100 of them, it certainly must be a habit.

All I know is that I have fun writing, thoughts of what to write about come easily (99% of the time), and it is now a well-embedded part of my routine - just like my yoga.

Yesterday was a BUSY day. Yoga with Wayne, Pilates with Cindy, lunch, routine doctor's appointment, teach 4 pm YogaHour.

Wayne's class was especially fun -- we spent most of it preparing for backbends. Then I did a couple reasonably successful urdhva dhanurasana's (they're still a work in progress, but so much better). His apex pose for this practice was eka pada rajakapotasana - full on, grab the foot style. Only, everyone but one person used a strap.

First time through he had us use a loop of about 2-feet. That worked ok, but I found my foundation lacking so didn't get a sense of much accomplishment -- too much wobbling. Luckily (though that wasn't my thought process at the time), he had us do it a second time AND shorten the strap. A sure recipe for disaster, I thought. Surprisingly, with what I experienced the first time through, it was easier to set and hold my foundation, get that SHORTER loop over my foot and hold it, turn the elbow, grab the strap with both hands and get the foot in closer to my hands/head. All with much more stability and sense of accomplishment.

Ever notice how important that 'sense of accomplishment' is? Having the a pose go well makes me excited to try the pose again, no matter how challenging in the full expression it is. Just like my skiing or golf, a good last run or drive make me want to return.