Leslie Salmon Yoga & Therapeutics

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In Tucson this year, Darren Rhodes described a new class at his studio -- Yoga Hour: one hour long, $4 cash, using a one-word theme/heart quality.

I came home, pondered it a while, and decided to replicate that class at The Yoga Center beginning in April, Tuesday and Thursday afternoons at 4 pm. I also decided to take on the classes as an opportunity to teach more (one of my goals for 2009).

Much to my surprise, the class is growing -- not huge numbers, but classes at my studio grow slowly - so growth, this early, is a good sign.

Students like the time of day, they like the price, and one hour at 4 pm is a good length for the demographic that chooses to attend -- long enough but not so long that it interferes with evening plans or dinner preparation.

Best of all, I'm having fun teaching it.

I do, however, need to start keeping a log of classes -- what I teach, when, to whom. Just so I don't start to repeat myself. Maybe I should have been logging classes all along (I think I remember hearing that at some training), but - now my hand is forced. A simple matrix including date, class, theme/heart quality, apex pose taught, and a space for notes to myself.

ANOTHER snowy morning -- white is pretty, but enough already!