Leslie Salmon Yoga & Therapeutics

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I subbed one of my studio classes this past week (I'm trying to teach amap - as much as possible - to improve/refine my teaching skills).

Students progressing is a great thing to watch. It's even more fun when you haven't seen someone for a while, teach the class they regularly attend, and see a truly heart-opening cobra or thighs parallel to the floor in vira II, etc. -- Wow! Why should I be surprised? They've been attending Jen's Anusara-Inspired class regularly and she's a good teacher, so this progress with our method and an effective instructor is to be expected. Good work, Jen.

In San Diego with Jack (in pic), Brady (his 6-month-old brother), and their parents, so this is short - too many fun distractions. Coloring Easter Eggs, playing with Thomas the Train, reading books, crawling on the floor -- all part of being 'Baba' (grandma).

Hope you have a good Easter Day,